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返回对象的C ++函数

[英]C++ functions that return objects

How can I write a function that 我该如何编写一个函数

returns an object of a different class each time 每次返回不同类别的对象

depending on its parameters ? 根据其参数?


class pet{....};
class cat:public pet {.....};
class dog:public pet {.....};
cat_or_dog make pet (int a){
if (a) { cat b; return b;}
else { dog b; return b;}};

I assume you are looking to take advantage of polymorphism. 我假设您正在寻求利用多态性。

Your function will need to return a pointer to a pet , preferably a smart pointer like std::unique_ptr<pet> : 您的函数将需要返回一个指向pet的指针,最好是一个像std::unique_ptr<pet>这样的智能指针:

#include <memory>

class pet{
  virtual ~pet(){};
class cat:public pet {};
class dog:public pet {};

std::unique_ptr<pet> makePet(int a){
  if (a)
    return std::unique_ptr<pet>(new cat);
    return std::unique_ptr<pet>(new dog);

int main() {
  auto pet = makePet(2);

And your pet should have a virtual destructor in order to clean up properly. 而且您的pet应该有一个虚拟的析构函数以便正确清理。

@Chris Drew's answer works if your classes both inherit from the same base class. 如果您的类都继承自同一基类,则@Chris Drew的答案有效。 However, if they don't there is another option. 但是,如果没有,则还有另一种选择。 You can use std::optional to optionally return an object. 您可以使用std::optional可选地返回一个对象。 You can use it like this 你可以这样使用

std::pair<std::optional<cat>, std::optional<dog>> makePet(int a)
    std::pair<std::optional<cat>, std::optional<dog>> pet;
        pet.first = cat();
        pet.second = dog();
    return pet;

You can then check which pet is there by checking the std::optional within the pair like this 然后,您可以通过检查像这样的配对中的std::optional来检查哪个宠物在那里

std::pair<std::optional<cat>, std::optional<dog>> pet = makePet(i);

if (pet.first)
    //Do things with cat
    //Do things with dog

Be warned though that std::optional is still experimental so it might not be implemented by your compiler. 请注意,尽管std::optional仍处于实验阶段,因此您的编译器可能未实现。

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