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[英]Chaining in rails (ERB) files


<?php echo $first_variable . " " . $second_variable ?>
<%= "#{first_variable} #{second_variable}" %>

Note that variables gonna be transformed to string representation (which could produce some unexpected outputs like "Photo:0x0000000dc9f5b0"). 请注意,变量将转换为字符串表示形式(这可能会产生一些意外的输出,例如“ Photo:0x0000000dc9f5b0”)。 More on various ways to concatenate strings here: String concatenation in Ruby 有关连接字符串的各种方法的更多信息,请参见:Ruby中的字符串连接

You can do it like this: 您可以这样做:
<%= first_variable_value + " " + second_variable_value %>

However, if variables store Fixnum instead of String then the following error occurs 但是,如果变量存储Fixnum而不是String ,则将发生以下错误
TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum . TypeError: String can't be coerced into Fixnum

Therefore the best approach would be 因此最好的方法是
<%= "#{first_variable} #{last_variable}" %>

Interpolation implecitly converts the Fixnum into String and problem solved. 插值将Fixnum轻松地转换为String并解决了问题。

You don't need " to print a variable; you can do so without " . 您不需要"打印变量;您可以不使用"

<%= first_variable %>

This is equivalent of following PHP code: 这等效于以下PHP代码:

<?php echo $first_variable ?>

So in order to do what you have asked in your question, the following code is suitable: 因此,为了执行您所提出的问题,下面的代码是合适的:

<%= first_variable + " " + last_variable %>

You don't need to surround your variables with " . And + operator here does the job for concatenation. 您不需要将变量用"括起来。 +运算符在这里完成并置工作。

And in case, if you are not sure that variables are actually string object, the you can use either of the following techniques: 并且,如果您不确定变量实际上是字符串对象,则可以使用以下两种技术之一:

<%= first_variable.to_s + " " + last_variable.to_s %>
<%= "#{first_variable} #{last_variable}" %>

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