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[英]Call a javascript function when enter key is pressed

I have a chatbox where I'm using onclick attribute to call a function. 我有一个聊天框,在其中使用onclick属性调用函数。 I just want a help to call this function on pressing enter key using javascript. 我只需要一个帮助,就可以使用javascript按下Enter键来调用此函数。

<input id="Submit"  class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" type="button" value="Send Message" onclick="set_chat_msg()"/>

Javascript: Javascript:

function set_chat_msg()

    if(typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined")
        oxmlHttpSend = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else if (window.ActiveXObject)
       oxmlHttpSend = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHttp");
    if(oxmlHttpSend == null)
       alert("Browser does not support XML Http Request");

    var url = "chat_send_ajax.php";
    var strname="noname";
    var strmsg="";
    if (document.getElementById("txtname") != null)
        strname = document.getElementById("txtname").value;
    if (document.getElementById("txtmsg") != null)
        strmsg = document.getElementById("txtmsg").value;
        document.getElementById("txtmsg").value = "";

    url += "?name=" + strname + "&msg=" + strmsg;

I got a tut on this. 我对此不满意。

I used this javascript: 我用这个javascript:

function checkEnter(e){ 
        var characterCode 
    if(e && e.which){
        e = e
        characterCode = e.which 
    else {
        e = event
        characterCode = e.keyCode 

    if(characterCode == 13){ 
        return false
        return true

and then I called it in the text area onKeyPress="return checkEnter(event)" 然后在文本区域onKeyPress="return checkEnter(event)"调用它

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