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[英]Why is my MySQLi query returning bool(false)?

Why is my MySQLi query returning bool(false)? 为什么我的MySQLi查询返回bool(false)?

$noCommande = $_POST['noCommande'] ;
$req = "Delete From transactions Where no_Commande = ".$noCommande;
require 'config.php';
$connexion = LinkDB::get();

if (!$connexion) 


if ($connexion)
    $resultat = mysqli_query($connexion,$req) ;

As you can see in the documentation : 正如您在文档中所看到的:

Returns FALSE on failure. 失败时返回FALSE。 For successful SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN queries mysqli_query() will return a mysqli_result object. 对于成功的SELECT,SHOW,DESCRIBE或EXPLAIN查询,mysqli_query()将返回mysqli_result对象。 For other successful queries mysqli_query() will return TRUE. 对于其他成功的查询,mysqli_query()将返回TRUE。

For DELETE queries the return false if the query failed. 对于DELETE查询,如果查询失败,则返回false。

So that indicates that your query has an error. 因此,这表明您的查询有错误。 Call mysqli_error($connexion)); 调用mysqli_error($connexion)); to see the error message. 查看错误消息。

$noCommande is string, it came from form. $noCommande是字符串,它来自表单。 You forgot quotes around it. 您忘记了周围的引号。

$req = "Delete From transactions Where no_Commande = '" . $noCommande . "'";

Or, if you send a number in form, you can change variable type. 或者,如果您以表格形式发送数字,则可以更改变量类型。

$req = "Delete From transactions Where no_Commande = " . (int)$noCommande;

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