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[英]Query woocommerce booking by availability date

I use Woothemes booking for my woocommerce site 我在woocommerce网站上使用Woothemes预订

As i build custom search for products, i have to search for availability also, here is how i should manage availability from BO 在构建自定义产品搜索时,我还必须搜索可用性,这就是我应该如何从BO管理可用性的方法 预订插件B.O and how the plugin stores to database 以及插件如何存储到数据库


I can retrieve these values from wordpress built-in function get_post_meta, 我可以从wordpress内置函数get_post_meta中检索这些值,

$avail = get_post_meta($product->id, '_wc_booking_availability');

and the result is : 结果是:

[0] => Array
        [type] => days
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 3
        [to] => 3

[1] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-09
        [to] => 2015-07-09

[2] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-08
        [to] => 2015-07-08

[3] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-10
        [to] => 2015-07-10

[4] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-15
        [to] => 2015-07-15

[5] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-16
        [to] => 2015-07-16

[6] => Array
        [type] => custom
        [bookable] => yes
        [from] => 2015-07-17
        [to] => 2015-07-17

[7] => Array
        [type] => months
        [bookable] => no
        [from] => 8
        [to] => 8


As you can see user is able to specify if product is bookable or not in a range of day or month, so my question is how i can do sql query to check if a date variable is available for this product, i think meta_query will do the job (as below) but how i can specify for unavailable date? 如您所见,用户能够指定产品在一天或一个月内是否可预订,所以我的问题是我如何执行sql查询以检查该产品是否有日期变量,我认为meta_query可以该工作(如下),但我如何指定不可用的日期? how do you think? 你怎么想?


        /* checkIsAValidDate() >> check date format */
        if ( checkIsAValidDate( $_GET['when'] ) ){
            $quand = $_GET['when'];
            $available = array(
                "post_type" => "product",
                "meta_query" => array(
                    "relation"  => "AND",
                    "key"       => '_wc_booking_availability',
                    "value"     => $when,
                    'compare'   => 'IN'


Since the meta value is an array, it may not be possible to use WP_Meta_Query . 由于元值是一个数组, 因此可能无法使用WP_Meta_Query While I agree that using WP_Meta_Query seems like the more elegant way to do this, I've always found this function really confusing, and since you can get the array of bookable objects, it seems like it would be straightforward to write a function like: 虽然我同意使用WP_Meta_Query似乎是执行此操作的更优雅的方法,但我始终发现此函数确实令人困惑,并且由于可以获取可预订对象的数组,因此编写类似以下函数似乎很简单:

 * Returns an array of bookable products according to supplied criteria
 * @param  int    $pid      the $product->ID of the bookable object
 * @param  mixed  $when     a date in YYYY-MM-DD format or integer representing a day or month
 * @param  string $type     a value of 'day', 'month', or 'custom'
 * @param  string $bookable whether the bookable object is bookable or not ('yes' or 'no')
 * @return array            an array of bookable objects for the product
function getBookables( $pid, $when, $type, $bookable = 'yes' ) {
    $result = array();

    // is $when in the YYYY-MM-DD format?
    if ( 'custom' == $type ) {
        // it's a custom date so convert $when to DateTime
        $when = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $when );

    $availability = get_post_meta( $pid, '_wc_booking_availability' );
    foreach ( $availability as $a ) {
        if ( $a[ 'bookable' ] == $bookable ) {
            // is it in the YYYY-MM-DD format?
            if ( $when instanceof DateTime ) {
                // it's a custom date so use date compare
                $from = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $a[ 'from' ] );
                $to   = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $a[ 'to'   ] );
                if ( $when >= $from && $when <= $to ) {
                    $result[] = $a;
            } else {
                // it is an integer value (day or month)
                if ( $type == $a[ 'type' ] && ( $when >= $from && $when <= $to ) ) {
                    $result[] = $a;
    return $result;

Notice that it is probably necessary to pass the type to the search function since even though I can distinguish YYYY-MM-DD values from int values, there is no easy way to distinguish month from day values. 注意,可能有必要将type传递给搜索函数,因为即使我可以将YYYY-MM-DD值与int值区分开,也没有简便的方法可以将monthday值区分开。 As such you might use the above function: 因此,您可以使用上述功能:

if ( $_GET[ 'when' ] && $_GET[ 'type' ] ) {
    $when = $_GET[ 'when' ];
    $type = $_GET[ 'type' ];
    $bookables = getBookables( $product->ID, $when, $type );

Also note that if you pass the string 'no' as the fourth parameter to the function, you can get the list of unavailable times. 还要注意,如果将字符串'no'作为第四个参数传递给函数,则可以获得不可用时间的列表。

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

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