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如何在Windows 8.1手机上运行Cordova应用程序?

[英]How to run cordova apps on windows 8.1 phone?

I am working on cordova app using Ionic framework & I want to test it on windows phone. 我正在使用Ionic框架开发Cordova应用,我想在Windows Phone上对其进行测试。 I am working on windows 7 PC and my phone is lumia which runs on windows 8.1. 我正在Windows 7 PC上工作,我的手机是在Windows 8.1上运行的lumia。 Testing it on android was simple just get the apk on phone install it and run. 在android上测试它很简单,只需在手机上安装apk并运行即可。 But it dosen't work this way with windows. 但是它不能在Windows中以这种方式工作。 I have got Xap file using https://build.phonegap.com/ . 我已经使用https://build.phonegap.com/获得了Xap文件。 Now I want to test it on my lumia, just copy and pasting on the phone isn't working. 现在,我想在lumia上对其进行测试,只是无法复制和粘贴到手机上。 Anybody who can help with the process. 任何可以在此过程中提供帮助的人。 So far by R&D I came to know that to develop any thing on win 8.1 devices I am gonna need win 8.1 sdk which only works with win 8 PC. 到目前为止,通过R&D,我知道要在Win 8.1设备上开发任何东西,我将需要Win 8.1 SDK,该SDK仅在Win 8 PC上有效。 Is there any way I can run the app on my device with the existing software that I have. 有什么方法可以使用我拥有的现有软件在设备上运行该应用程序。

You should be able to use the intel xdk to build a windows 8 version and put it on your phone. 您应该能够使用intel xdk构建Windows 8版本并将其放在手机上。 Grab the intel xdk here https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-xdk , import your html5 project, hit the build tab at the top, follow the step by step instructions, build for windows 8, install it on phone and profit. 在此处获取intel xdk https://software.intel.com/zh-cn/intel-xdk ,导入html5项目,点击顶部的build标签,按照分步说明进行操作,针对Windows 8进行安装电话和利润。 You should not need a windows 8 pc for this to work as intel builds it on their servers and you simply download the app. 您不需要Windows 8 pc即可工作,因为intel会在其服务器上构建它,而您只需下载该应用程序即可。 I run this in ubuntu and do android, iphone, and any ohter build i need. 我在ubuntu中运行它,并执行android,iphone和我需要的任何其他构建。

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