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[英]Writing effect for UILabel text (iOS objective c)

I want to give a effect for UILabel text that will look exactly same like we are writing on a paper using pen.我想为 UILabel 文本提供一种效果,看起来就像我们用笔在纸上书写一样。 I searched for it but not getting any related suggestion/solutions, there are solutions like typing effect but not as I need.我搜索了它但没有得到任何相关的建议/解决方案,有像打字效果这样的解决方案,但不是我需要的。

The only way to accomplish this is to manually draw the stroked for the inserted letters via a graphics API (Core Graphics, OpenGL, etc.).实现这一点的唯一方法是通过图形 API(核心图形、OpenGL 等)手动绘制插入字母的描边。 You cannot accomplish this without manual drawing.如果没有手动绘图,您将无法完成此操作。 It is possible that there's a 3rd party library that can help you with this.可能有一个 3rd 方库可以帮助您解决这个问题。 You can use a tool like PaintCode to extract the bezier paths and what not to help you manually drag glyphs for each letter in an alphabet and then animate those paths using Core Animation or another graphical drawing mechanism.您可以使用PaintCode 之类的工具来提取贝塞尔曲线路径以及帮助您手动拖动字母表中每个字母的字形的工具,然后使用 Core Animation 或其他图形绘制机制为这些路径设置动画。

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