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[英]How to submit after using ng-repeat, ng-form and ng-submit

I am using some data to get a list of Books as below:- 我正在使用一些数据来获取以下图书列表:-

1 1001 - 500 - Lords of the Ring Reference(InputBox) Remarks(InputBox) SubmitBox 1100-500-指环王参考(InputBox)备注(InputBox)SubmitBox

2 1002 - 570 - Harry Potter Reference(InputBox) Remarks(InputBox) SubmitBox 21002-570-哈利波特参考(InputBox)备注(InputBox)SubmitBox

3 1003 - 720 - Davinci Code Reference(InputBox) Remarks(InputBox) SubmitBox 3 1003-720-达芬奇代码参考(InputBox)备注(InputBox)SubmitBox

I am able to get above with codes below. 我可以通过下面的代码来解决上面的问题。 But however, I do not know how to save the datas to another database and would be grateful if someone could guide me. 但是,我不知道如何将数据保存到另一个数据库,如果有人可以指导我,我将不胜感激。

This is my html code:- 这是我的html代码:-

    <form name="Bookentry" ng-submit="save()">

        <div  ng-repeat="lists in list.Books | orderBy: ['numB','numB1' ]">

            <ng-form name="item">


                <input type="checkbox" ng-click="delete(lists._id)">{{lists.numB}} - {{lists.numB1}} - {{lists.bookname}}
                <input type="text" name="Reference" ng-model="lists.Reference" ng-maxlength="8" ng-minlength="1"></input>
                <input type="text" name="Remarks" ng-model="lists.Remarks" ng-maxlength="8" ng-minlength="1"></input>
                <button type="submit">Save</button>

My core.js codes is:- 我的core.js代码是:-

$scope.save = function(){
            $scope.list = {};
            $scope.list.Books = data;
            console.log('Error: ' + data);

My app.js is: 我的app.js是:

app.post('/api/save', function(req,res){

    numB: req.body.numB,
    numB1: req.body.numB1,
    name: req.body.bookname,
    Reference: req.body.Reference,
    remarks: req.body.remarks,
    done: false
  }, function(err,result){
    if (err)
        if (err)

You can pass the lists model as parameter to the save function. 您可以将列表模型作为参数传递给保存功能。 html code: html代码:

<form name="Bookentry" ng-submit="save(lists)">

core js: 核心js:

$scope.save = function(bookEntry){
            $scope.list = {};
            $scope.list.Books = data;
            console.log('Error: ' + data);

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