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在单元测试用例中模拟Angular $窗口

[英]Mocking Angular $window in unit test cases

I have been trying to unit test my angular custom service written in Typescript. 我一直在尝试对使用Typescript编写的角度自定义服务进行单元测试。 The service reads a global variable defined on the Window object. 该服务读取在Window对象上定义的全局变量。 I have made it promise, so that in future I can make a AJAX call to get this information. 我已经做出了承诺,以便将来我可以进行AJAX调用来获取这些信息。 Here is my stripped down service: - 这是我的精简服务: -

export class ProxyDetectiveService {
    public static $inject = [

    constructor(private $window:ng.IWindowService,
                private $q:ng.IQService) {

    public getProxyUserObject = ():ng.IPromise<any> => {
        this.log.debug('Proxy User Service called, to get proxy user details');

        var deferred = this.$q.defer();
        var proxyDetails = this.$window.portalObject;

        return deferred.promise;


My unit Test Case: - 我的单位测试案例: -

describe('Proxy Detective Service - Unit Test Cases', () => {
    var proxyDetectiveService:any,

    beforeEach(() => {

    beforeEach(inject(($injector:ng.auto.IInjectorService, _$window_) => {
        proxyDetectiveService = $injector.get('ProxyDetectiveService');
        _$window_ = {
            portalObject: {
                proxyUserDetails: {
                    firstName: 'testFN',
                    lastName: 'testLN'

    it('should have proxy object defined', function () {
        var promise = proxyDetectiveService.getProxyUserObject();
        promise.then(function (response) {
        }).catch(function (response) {

Here are my questions: - 以下是我的问题: -

  1. My Test case gets executed, but I dont see the mocked window object in the service? 我的测试用例被执行了,但我没有看到服务中的模拟窗口对象?

  2. My promise then or catch clause never gets executed? 我的承诺then或catch子句永远不会被执行?

  3. Are there any better ways I can implement my service? 有没有更好的方法来实现我的服务? My intention is to return a promise, in future I may use AJAX call. 我的意图是返回一个承诺,将来我可能会使用AJAX调用。

You need to use $provide to provide a mocked value in a unit test: 您需要使用$provide在单元测试中提供模拟值:

beforeEach(() => {
    module('myApp', ($provide) => {
      $provide.value('$window', myMockedWindowObject)

You also need to call $rootScope.$apply() to move promises forward in unit tests. 你还需要调用$rootScope.$apply()来在单元测试中转发promises。

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