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[英]Nested iron-pages (Polymer1.0)

<iron-pages attr-for-selected="data-route" selected="{{route}}">
    <section data-route="home">
        <paper-material elevation="1">

    <section data-route="tv">
        <paper-material elevation="1">
            <iron-pages attr-for-selected="data-route" selected="{{route}}">
                <section data-route="tvList">
                    <paper-material elevation="1">TV list</paper-material>
                <section data-route="tvAdd">
                    <paper-material elevation="1">TV Add</paper-material>
                <section data-route="tvEdit">
                    <paper-material elevation="1">TV edit</paper-material>
                <section data-route="tvView">
                    <paper-material elevation="1">TV details</paper-material>

    <section data-route="users">
        <paper-material elevation="1">
            <h2 class="paper-font-display2">Users</h2>

            <p>This is the users section</p>
            <a href="/users/Rob">Rob</a>

    <section data-route="user-info">
        <paper-material elevation="1">
            <h2 class="paper-font-display2">

            <div>This is <span>{{params.name}}</span>'s section</div>

    <section data-route="contact">
        <paper-material elevation="1">
            <h2 class="paper-font-display2">Contact</h2>

            <p>This is the contact section</p>


Also my route looks like - 而且我的路线看起来像-

window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function () {

    // We use Page.js for routing. This is a Micro
    // client-side router inspired by the Express router
    // More info: https://visionmedia.github.io/page.js/
    page('/', function () {
        app.route = 'home';

    page('/tv', function () {
        app.route = 'tvAdd';

    page('/tvAdd', function () {
        app.route = 'tvAdd';


    page('/users', function () {
        app.route = 'users';

    page('/users/:name', function (data) {
        app.route = 'user-info';
        app.params = data.params;

    page('/contact', function () {
        app.route = 'contact';

    // add #! before urls
        hashbang : true


I am using "page.js" for routing. 我正在使用“ page.js”进行路由。

When I press "tv" menu, it should show "tvAdd", but it just shows empty screen. 当我按“电视”菜单时,它应该显示“ tvAdd”,但它只显示空白屏幕。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

The reason this is happening is because the two <iron-pages> elements are both bound to the same property. 发生这种情况的原因是,两个<iron-pages>元素都绑定到相同的属性。 To elaborate further, here's an example: 为了进一步详细说明,下面是一个示例:

  1. route changes to tv route更改routetv
  2. The parent <iron-pages> element has its selected property changed to tv <iron-pages>元素的selected属性更改为tv
  3. The tv page is selected in the parent <iron-pages> tv页面是在父<iron-pages>
  4. The child <iron-pages> has its selected property changed to tv <iron-pages>selected属性更改为tv
  5. There is no tv page in the child <iron-pages> , so nothing is selected inside it and it remains blank. <iron-pages> tv中没有tv页面 ,因此在其中没有任何选择,并且它保持空白。

The same goes for if you were to set route to one of the route names that you use in the child <iron-pages> . 如果要将route设置为在子<iron-pages>使用的路由名称之一,也是如此。

To solve this problem, you must bind both of the <iron-pages> to different properties , the first of which would determine which parent route you are on, and the second of which would determine the child route, if any. 要解决此问题,必须将两个<iron-pages>都绑定到不同的属性 ,第一个属性将确定您所在的父路由,第二个属性将确定子路由(如果有)。

Afterwards, you would just set two properties in your routing callbacks. 之后,您只需在路由回调中设置两个属性即可。

Some pseudocode: 一些伪代码:

<iron-pages attr-for-selected="data-route" selected="{{route}}">
  <section data-route="tv">
    <iron-pages attr-for-selected="data-route" selected="{{childRoute}}">
      <section data-route="tvList">
page('/tvAdd', function () {
  app.route = 'tv';
  app.childRoute = 'tvAdd';

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