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[英]Parse the inner html tags using jSoup

I want to find the important links in a site using Jsoup library. 我想在使用Jsoup库的网站中找到重要的链接。 So for this suppose we have following code: 因此,假设有以下代码:

<h1><a href="http://example.com">This is important </a></h1>

Now while parsing how can we find that the tag a is inside the h1 tag? 现在,在解析的同时,我们如何发现标签a在h1标签内?

You can do it this way: 您可以这样操作:

File input = new File("/tmp/input.html");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8", "http://example.com/");

Elements headlinesCat1 = doc.getElementsByTag("h1");
for (Element headline : headlinesCat1) {
    Elements importantLinks = headline.getElementsByTag("a");
    for (Element link : importantLinks) {
        String linkHref = link.attr("href");
        String linkText = link.text();

Taken from the JSoup Cookbook . 摘自JSoup Cookbook


Elements elements = doc.select("h1 > a");

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