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[英]eigensolver in eigen Library

I would like to translate [vec,val] = eig(A) from MATLAB to c++ using Eigen library, but I couldn't reach to the same result! 我想使用Eigen库将[vec,val] = eig(A)从MATLAB转换为c ++,但是我无法达到相同的结果! I tried eigensolver , ComplexEigenSolver and SelfAdjointEigenSolver. 我试过eigensolverComplexEigenSolverSelfAdjointEigenSolver. None of them give me the result like eig(A) in MATLAB. 他们都没有给我像MATLAB中的eig(A)一样的结果。

Sample matrices:
Tv(:,:,223) =

    0.8648   -1.9658   -0.2785
   -1.9658    4.9142    0.8646
   -0.2785    0.8646    0.3447

Tv(:,:,224) =

    1.9735   -0.4218    1.0790
   -0.4218    3.3012    0.1855
    1.0790    0.1855    3.7751

Tv(:,:,225) =

    2.4948    1.0185    1.1633
    1.0185    1.1732   -0.4479
    1.1633   -0.4479    4.3289

Tv(:,:,226) =

    0.3321    0.0317    0.1617
    0.0317    0.0020   -0.0139
    0.1617   -0.0139    0.5834

Eigen: 本征:

MatrixXcd vec(3 * n, 3);
VectorXcd val(3);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++){
        EigenSolver<Matrix3d> eig(Tv.block<3, 3>(3 * k, 0));
        vec.block<3, 3>(3 * k, 0) = eig.eigenvectors();
        cout <<endl << vec.block<3, 3>(3 * k, 0) << endl;
        val = eig.eigenvalues();
        cout << "val= " << endl << val << endl;


//results //结果

  (0.369152,0)   (-0.830627,0)   (-0.416876,0)
  (-0.915125,0)   (-0.403106,0) (-0.00717218,0)
  (-0.162088,0)    (0.384142,0)   (-0.908935,0)

 (0.881678,0)  (0.204005,0)  (0.425472,0)
  (0.23084,0)  (-0.97292,0) (-0.011858,0)
(-0.411531,0) (-0.108671,0)  (0.904894,0)

 (0.526896,0) (-0.726801,0)  (0.440613,0)
(-0.813164,0) (-0.581899,0) (0.0125466,0)
(-0.247274,0)  (0.364902,0)  (0.897609,0)

    (0.88992,0)    (-0.43968,0)    (0.121341,0)
    (0.13406,0) (-0.00214387,0)   (-0.990971,0)
   (-0.43597,0)   (-0.898152,0)  (-0.0570358,0)


for k=1:n
    [u,d] = eig(Tv(:,:,k))

%results 结果百分比

u =

    0.8306   -0.4169   -0.3692
    0.4031   -0.0072    0.9151
   -0.3841   -0.9089    0.1621

d =

    0.0396         0         0
         0    0.2238         0
         0         0    5.8603

u =

    0.8817    0.2040    0.4255
    0.2308   -0.9729   -0.0119
   -0.4115   -0.1087    0.9049

d =

    1.3594         0         0
         0    3.4103         0
         0         0    4.2800

u =

   -0.5269    0.7268    0.4406
    0.8132    0.5819    0.0125
    0.2473   -0.3649    0.8976

d =

    0.3771         0         0
         0    2.7262         0
         0         0    4.8937

u =

   -0.1213   -0.8899    0.4397
    0.9910   -0.1341    0.0021
    0.0570    0.4360    0.8982

d =

   -0.0027         0         0
         0    0.2576         0
         0         0    0.6625

What's your suggestion? 你有什么建议?

I don't get your question, as looking at your results they all returns the same. 我没有收到您的问题,因为查看您的结果,它们都返回相同的结果。 Recall that the eigen-decomposition of a matrix is not completely unique: 回想一下,矩阵的本征分解不是完全唯一的:

  • eigenvalues/vectors can be arbitrarily reordered 特征值/向量可以任意重新排序
  • if v is an eigenvector, then -v is also a valid eigenvector 如果v是特征向量,则-v也是有效的特征向量

Since your matrices are symmetric, you should use SelfAdjointEigenSolver to get them automatically ordered as MatLab. 由于矩阵是对称的,因此应使用SelfAdjointEigenSolver将其自动排序为MatLab。 Then the eigenvectors will only differs from their sign, but you will have to live with that. 然后,特征向量将仅不同于它们的符号,但是您将不得不忍受它。

Well.... the results are the same.... 嗯...结果是一样的...

Result eigen: 结果本征:

  (0.369152,0)   (-0.830627,0)   (-0.416876,0)
  (-0.915125,0)   (-0.403106,0) (-0.00717218,0)
  (-0.162088,0)    (0.384142,0)   (-0.908935,0)

result matlab: 结果matlab:

u =

    0.8306   -0.4169   -0.3692
    0.4031   -0.0072    0.9151
   -0.3841   -0.9089    0.1621

d =

    0.0396         0         0
         0    0.2238         0
         0         0    5.8603

I have good news.... 我有好消息....

The vectors are THE SAME, but unordered..... 向量是相同的,但无序.....

eigV1 from eigen is -eigV3 from Matlab, eigen的eigV1是Matlab的-eigV3,

eigV2 from eigen is -eigV1 from Matlab, eigen的eigV2是Matlab的-eigV1,

eigV3 from eigen is -eigV2 from Matlab, eigen的eigV3是Matlab的-eigV2,

The eigenvalues are reordered equally.... 特征值被平均重新排序。

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