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如何在Kendo UI编辑器中覆盖打印?

[英]How override Print in Kendo UI Editor?

I used Kendo UI Editor control. 我使用了Kendo UI Editor控件。 IT is ok. 没关系。 But I need to do same events before Printing How override Print function in Kendo UI Editor ? 但是我需要在打印之前执行相同的事件。如何在Kendo UI Editor中覆盖打印功能?

      .Tools(tools => tools


I would like to override Print option 我想覆盖打印选项

You can create a custom button in the tool bar ( http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/editor/custom-tools ) with something like 您可以在工具栏中创建自定义按钮( http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/editor/custom-tools ),例如

.CustomButton(cb => cb.Name("Custom Primt").ToolTip("Do stuff then Print").Exec(@<text>
        function(e) {
            var editor = $(this).data("kendoEditor");
            editor.exec("inserthtml", { value: "Printing this document..." });

Which will add "Printing this document..." to the editor body, then call the Print function on the editor. 它将在编辑器主体中添加“正在打印此文档...”,然后在编辑器上调用“打印”功能。

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