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[英]undefined is not a function while testing ReactJS using Mocha

I am trying to test a simple page having form with 2 input fields using ReactJs and Mocha . 我正在尝试使用ReactJsMocha测试具有2个输入字段的表单的简单页面。

When I run the test I am getting the error: 当我运行测试时,出现错误:

    TypeError: undefined is not a function
        at module.exports (/Users/johnp/Documents/myapp/work/projects/myapp-etd-portal/test/setup.js:5:35)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/johnp/Documents/myapp/work/projects/myapp-etd-portal/test/component/NameTest.js:1:28)
        at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
        at normalLoader (/Users/johnp/Documents/myapp/work/projects/myapp-etd-portal/node_modules/babel/node_modules/babel-core/lib/babel/api/register/node.js:160:5)
        at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/johnp/Documents/myapp/work/projects/myapp-etd-portal/node_modules/babel/node_modules/babel-core/lib/babel/api/register/node.js:173:7)
        at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
        at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
        at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
        at require (module.js:384:17)
        at /Users/johnp/Documents/myapp/work/projects/myapp-etd-portal/node_modules/mocha/lib/mocha.js:192:27

Below are my code files: 以下是我的代码文件:

1.setup.js: basic set-up file 1.setup.js:基本设置文件

module.exports = function(markup) {
    if (typeof document !== 'undefined') return
    var jsdom          = require("jsdom").jsdom
    global.document    = jsdom(markup || '')
    global.window      = document.createWindow()

    var chai = require('chai');
    chai.config.includeStack = true;
    global.expect = chai.expect;

NameTest.js: actual test page. NameTest.js:实际测试页面。

    require('../../test/setup')('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>')
    var React          = require('react')
    var ReactAddons    = require('react/addons')
    var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils

describe('Name page component', function(){
    before('render element', function() {

        try {
            var renderedComponent = TestUtils.renderToString(
                <InputFieldItem />
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error(e);

    it('First & Last <input> fields should be of type "text"', function() {
        this.formElement = React.findDOMNode(TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(renderedComponent, 'form'))
        this.firstNameElement = React.findDOMNode(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(renderedComponent, 'input')[0])
        this.lastNameElement = React.findDOMNode(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(renderedComponent, 'input')[1])


I have my gulp task set up and I run the test using: gulp bundle && npm run test. 我已经设置了gulp任务,并使用以下命令运行测试:gulp bundle && npm run test。 It has been very frustrating to look for a solution and appreciate any help to resolve this issue. 寻找解决方案并感谢您提供任何解决此问题的帮助,这非常令人沮丧。

As the stack trace shows, undefined is not a function at setup.js:5:35 (line 5, column 35). 如堆栈跟踪所示, setup.js:5:35 (第5行,第35列)处的undefined is not a function

global.document    = jsdom(markup || '')
global.window      = document.createWindow() // <-- refers to this

Assigning something to node's global object by doing global.document = ... , is not the same as creating a document variable in the global scope. 通过执行global.document = ...为节点的global对象分配某些内容与在全局范围内创建document变量不同。 To access something on node's global object you will always access it as a property, so do this: 要访问节点的全局对象上的某些内容,您将始终将其作为属性访问,因此请执行以下操作:

global.window = global.document.createWindow();

开关document.createWindow()document.defaultView按照该文档 ,它会工作。

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