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[英]Postgres return null values on function error/failure when casting

I am attempting to convert text values to timestamp values. 我试图将text值转换为timestamp值。 For the following table called a : 对于下面的表中调用a

 id |         c1
  1 | 03-03-2000
  2 | 01-01-2000
  3 | 12/4/1990
  4 | 12 Sept 2011
  5 | 12-1-1999 12:33:12
  6 | 24-04-89 2:33 am

I am attempting to perform a select with a cast as follows: 我试图执行一个select如下与铸造

select id, c1, c1::timestamp as c2 from a; as c2 from a; select id, c1, c1::timestamp as c2 from a;

This works correctly if there were only the first 5 rows, but for the 6th row where c1 is 24-04-89 2:33 am it throws the following error: 如果只有前5行,这可以正常工作,但对于第6行,其中c124-04-89 2:33 am它会抛出以下错误:

ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "24-04-89 2:33 am" 错误:日期/时间字段值超出范围:“24-04-89 2:33 am”
HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. 提示:也许你需要一个不同的“日期风格”设置。

What I want is null for those values which cannot not be casted to timestamp instead of the command failing altogether. 对于那些无法将时间戳转换为时间戳的值而不是完全失败的命令,我想要的是null Like this: 像这样:

 id |         c1         |         c2
  1 | 03-03-2000         | 2000-03-03 00:00:00
  2 | 01-01-2000         | 2000-01-01 00:00:00
  3 | 12/4/1990          | 1990-12-04 00:00:00
  4 | 12 Sept 2011       | 2011-09-12 00:00:00
  5 | 12-1-1999 12:33:12 | 1999-12-01 12:33:12
  6 | 24-04-89 2:33 am   | (null)
(6 rows)

EDIT: 编辑:
Also, is there a generic way to implement this? 另外,有没有通用的方法来实现这个? ie: (based on klin's answer ) a plpgsql wrapper function that sets the value to null if the function it is wrapped around throws an error. 即:(基于klin的答案 )一个plpgsql包装器函数,如果它所包含的函数抛出错误,则将该值设置为null For eg: a function set_null_on_error that can be used like this: 例如:一个函数set_null_on_error ,可以像这样使用:

select id, c1, set_null_on_error(c1::timestamp) as c2 from a; as c2 from a; select id, c1, set_null_on_error(c1::timestamp) as c2 from a;

or 要么

select id, c1, set_null_on_error(to_number(c1, '99')) as c2 from a; select id, c1, set_null_on_error(to_number(c1, '99')) as c2 from a;

This can be done by trapping an exception in a plpgsql function. 这可以通过在plpgsql函数中捕获异常来完成。

create or replace function my_to_timestamp(arg text)
returns timestamp language plpgsql
as $$
        return arg::timestamp;
    exception when others then
        return null;
end $$;

select id, c1, my_to_timestamp(c1) as c2 from a;

Trying to define a generic function. 试图定义一个通用函数。

Assume that you defined a function set_null_on_error(anyelement) . 假设您定义了一个函数set_null_on_error(anyelement) Calling 调用

select set_null_on_error('foo'::timestamp);

raises error before the function is executed. 执行函数之前引发错误。

You can try something like this: 你可以尝试这样的事情:

create or replace function set_null_on_error(kind text, args anyarray)
returns anyelement language plpgsql
as $$
        if kind = 'timestamp' then
            return args[1]::timestamp;
        elseif kind = 'number' then
            return to_number(args[1], args[2]);
        end if;
    exception when others then 
        return null;
end; $$;

select set_null_on_error('timestamp', array['2014-01-01']);
select set_null_on_error('number', array['1.22444', '9999D99']);

In my opinion such a solution is too complicated, quite inconvenient to use and generally might turn out to generate problems hard to debug. 在我看来,这样的解决方案太复杂,使用起来非常不方便,并且通常可能会产生难以调试的问题。

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