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[英]Hero Animation in polymer 1.0

I am trying to implement hero animation(from neon-elements) to animate to another custom element(element1.html to element2.html) by clicking a red square. 我试图通过单击一个红色方块来实现英雄动画(从neon-elements)动画到另一个自定义元素(element1.html到element2.html)。

I wrote everything that is documented here: https://github.com/PolymerElements/neon-animation#shared-element 我写了这里记录的所有内容: https//github.com/PolymerElements/neon-animation#shared-element

But nothing happens on click. 但点击没有任何反应。 Please guide me on implementing this. 请指导我实施这个。

Here are my files: 这是我的文件:

index.html 的index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js">        </script>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animated-pages.html">
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animations.html">
<link rel="import" href="element1.html">
<link rel="import" href="element2.html">

<template is="dom-bind">
    <neon-animated-pages id="pages" selected="0">


element1.html element1.html

        <link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/neon-animation/neon-shared-element-animatable-behavior.html">
    <dom-module id="name-tag">

            <div id="hero" style="background:red; width:100px; height:100px; position:absolute; left:100px; top:50px;"></div>
        is: "name-tag",
        behaviors: [
        properties: {
            animationConfig: {
                value: function() {
                    return {
                        // the outgoing page defines the 'exit' animation
                        'exit': {
                            name: 'hero-animation',
                            id: 'hero',
                            fromPage: this
            sharedElements: {
                value: function() {
                    return {
                        'hero': this.$.hero


element2.html element2.html

        <link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> 
    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/neon-animation/neon-shared-element-animatable-behavior.html">
    <dom-module id="name-tag1">
            <div id="card" style="background:red; width:200px; height:200px; position:absolute; left:300px; top:100px;"></div>
        is: "name-tag1",
        behaviors: [
        properties: {
            sharedElements: {
                type: Object,
                value: function() {
                    return {
                        'hero': this.$.card,

            animationConfig: {
                value: function() {
                    return {
                        // the incoming page defines the 'entry' animation
                        'entry': {
                            name: 'hero-animation',
                            id: 'hero',
                            toPage: this


Thanks in Advance. 提前致谢。

  1. You are using wrong behavior. 你使用的是错误的行为。 NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior is for components who play or run the animation inside themselves. NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior适用于在自己内部播放或运行动画的组件。 Very good example will be neon-animated-pages component, it implements NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior because it runs animations inside. 非常好的例子是neon-animated-pages组件,它实现了NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior因为它在里面运行动画。

  2. Every item which placed in neon-animated-pages has to implement NeonAnimatableBehavior , not NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior . 放置在neon-animated-pages每个项目都必须实现NeonAnimatableBehavior ,而不是NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior

  3. To run the animation we have to switch somehow between our animatable components. 要运行动画,我们必须以某种方式在我们的动画组件之间切换。 The "selected" attribute of neon-animated-pages help us with that. 霓虹动画页面的“选定”属性可以帮助我们。 When selected = "0" neon-animated-pages shows you name-tag , when selected = "1" neon-animated-pages shows you name-tag1 component. selected = "0" neon-animated-pages显示name-tag ,当selected = "1" neon-animated-pages显示name-tag1组件。

  4. You want to change view after click but I don't see any click event listeners. 您希望在单击后更改视图,但我没有看到任何单击事件侦听器。 Add click events which will change selected attribute value and it'll work. 添加将更改所选属性值的单击事件,它将起作用。

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