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使用Keyboard Maestro按类获取网页元素

[英]Getting webpage elements by class using Keyboard Maestro

I frequently go to a library results page that has two pieces of information I want: 我经常去图书馆结果页面,该页面包含我想要的两条信息:

  • The Listing Title: An <h1> with class="title" 列表标题:一个带有class="title"<h1>
  • The Call Number: A <td> with class="call" 呼叫号码:带有class="call" <td>

I want to be able to automatically copy the content of these two elements to a couple of named clipboards. 我希望能够自动将这两个元素的内容复制到几个命名剪贴板中。 Is this possible? 这可能吗?

Awesome person, ComplexPoint, answered this on the KM forums here 真棒人,ComplexPoint,回答了这个对KM论坛在这里

(function (strPath) {
  var r = document.evaluate(strPath, document, null, 0, null),
  lst = [],

  while (oNode = r.iterateNext()) {
  lst.push(oNode.className + ' = ' +oNode.textContent);

  return lst.join('\n');
  })("//h1[@class='title'] | //td[@class='call']")

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