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[英]Python: How to append to existing key of a dictionary?

I have a dictionary with multidimensional lists, like so: 我有一本包含多维列表的字典,如下所示:

myDict = {'games':[ ['Post 1', 'Post 1 description'], ['Post2, 'desc2'] ], 'fiction':[ ['fic post1', 'p 1 fiction desc'], ['fic post2, 'p 2 fiction desc'] ]}

How would I add a new list with ['Post 3', 'post 3 description'] to the games key list? 如何将带有['Post 3','post 3 description']的新列表添加到游戏键列表?


myDict["games"].append(['Post 3', 'post 3 description'])

You can append value to existing key is to use append() method of list. 您可以将值追加到现有键是使用列表的append()方法。

dict[key].extend(list of values)

In your case you can write like this 在你的情况下,你可以这样写

myDict['games'].append(['Post 3', 'post 3 description']) myDict ['games']。append(['Post 3','post 3 description'])

the above statement will add argument as a one value 上面的语句将参数作为一个值添加

myDict['games'].extend(['Post 3', 'post 3 description']) myDict ['games']。extend(['Post 3','post 3 description'])

the above statement will add 'Post3' and 'post 3 description' as an individual argument to myDict['games'] 上面的语句将在myDict ['games']中添加“ Post3”和“ post 3 description”作为单独的参数

Use the append() operation of a list. 使用列表的append()操作。

myDict['games'].append(['Post 3', 'post 3 description'])

First you need to access the 'games' key of the dictionary using the dict[key] lookup which is a list. 首先,您需要使用dict[key]查找(列表)来访问字典的'games'键。 Then value you obtain on games key lookup is a list. 然后,您在games按键查找中获得的值就是一个列表。
Then use the append() operation to add ['Post 3', 'post 3 description'] it to the list inside games key. 然后使用append()操作将['Post 3', 'post 3 description']games键内的列表中。

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