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[英]Flow Charts and State Machines

Specifically I am looking at the JavaScript libraries; 具体来说,我正在研究JavaScript库; JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit , and D3 to draw flow charts and state machines. JavaScript InfoVis ToolkitD3绘制流程图和状态机。

Both of these offer plenty of ways to visualize data. 两者都提供了许多可视化数据的方法。 However none of the examples seem to meet the requirements below (especially for flow chart). 但是,这些示例似乎都不符合以下要求(尤其是流程图)。

To be clear I mean these. 明确地说,我的意思是这些。

Flow chart 流程图


(Sourced from: http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/strategy/chart.php ) (资料来源: http : //philosophy.hku.hk/think/strategy/chart.php

  • Have branches with a single start and end point. 有带有单个起点和终点的分支。
  • Labels on nodes and branches. 节点和分支上的标签。
  • Have a logical flow layout (eg not nodes randomly positioned). 具有逻辑流程布局(例如,没有随机放置的节点)。
  • Shapes aren't really important. 形状并不是很重要。

State Machine 状态机


(Sourced from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/systems/fsm-156381.html ) (来源: http : //www.oracle.com/technetwork/systems/fsm-156381.html

  • Labels on nodes and branches. 节点和分支上的标签。
  • Shapes aren't really important. 形状并不是很重要。

Would either of these libraries be able to meet my requirements? 这些库中的任何一个都可以满足我的要求吗?

Are my requirements even an appropriate use of those libraries? 我的要求甚至适当地使用了那些库吗?

Cheers, 干杯,


You can also give a chance to mxGraph 您也可以给mxGraph一个机会

An example of mxGraph is draw.io mxGraph的一个示例是draw.io

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