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[英]NoMethodError using activerecord_postgis_adapter

I tried installing activerecord-postgis-adapter as per the README but am unable to create the model instance as I keep getting the error mentioned below: 我尝试按照自述文件安装activerecord-postgis-adapter但无法创建模型实例,因为我不断收到下面提到的错误:

NoMethodError: undefined method `point' for nil:NilClass NoMethodError:nil的未定义方法“point”:NilClass

Here are what my different files look like: 以下是我的不同文件的样子:

Location.rb (the model, updated code) Location.rb(模型,更新代码)

# == Schema Information
# Table name: locations
#  id             :integer          not null, primary key
#  locatable_id   :integer
#  locatable_type :string
#  created_at     :datetime         not null
#  updated_at     :datetime         not null
#  coordinates    :geography({:srid point, 4326

class Location < ActiveRecord::Base

    #self.rgeo_factory_generator = RGeo::Geos.factory_generator
    #   RGeo::Geographic.spherical_factory(:srid => 4326) )

    locFactory = RGeo::ActiveRecord::SpatialFactoryStore.instance.factory(:geo_type => 'point')

    belongs_to  :locatable,
        polymorphic: true

    validates   :locatable, presence: true

    attr_accessor   :longitude, :latitude


Gemfile 的Gemfile

gem 'rgeo'
gem 'rgeo-activerecord'
gem 'activerecord-postgis-adapter'

config/application.rb 配置/ application.rb中

require 'rails/all'
#require 'active_record/connection_adapters/postgis_adapter/railtie'
#require "#{Rails.root}/lib/rgeo"

config/database.yml 配置/ database.yml的

<<: *default
database: geoproject-api_development
adapter: postgis
schema_search_path: "public,postgis"

After adding a record when I try to retrieve it, I get the following: 在我尝试检索记录时添加记录后,我得到以下内容:

irb(main):003:0> lala = Location.first
Location Load (1.6ms) SELECT "locations".* FROM "locations" ORDER BY "locations"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
(Object doesn't support #inspect) 
irb(main):004:0> lala.class.name => "Location" 
irb(main):005:0> puts lala
=> nil
irb(main):006:0> puts lala.inspect
NoMethodError: undefined method point' for nil:NilClass

Wondering why that it is or how can I fix it? 想知道它为什么或如何解决它? More specifically, why is it a NilClass and why is the #inspect not being found? 更具体地说,为什么它是NilClass,为什么没有找到#inspect?

From my schema.rb 来自我的schema.rb

 create_table "locations", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.integer   "locatable_id"
    t.string    "locatable_type"
    t.datetime  "created_at",                                                              null: false
    t.datetime  "updated_at",                                                              null: false
    t.geography "coordinates",    limit: {:srid=>4326, :type=>"point", :geographic=>true}

I am using Rails 4.2.1. 我正在使用Rails 4.2.1。

As of version 3.0.0 you can't set column specific geo factory properties. 从版本3.0.0开始,您无法设置列特定的地理工厂属性。 And the method set_rgeo_factory_for_column is removed and deprecated. 并删除并弃用方法set_rgeo_factory_for_column。 You can, however configure RGeo factory application wide. 但是,您可以配置RGeo工厂应用程序范围。 For example in your initializer. 例如,在初始化程序中。

RGeo::ActiveRecord::SpatialFactoryStore.instance.tap do |config|
  # By default, use the GEOS implementation for spatial columns.
  config.default = RGeo::Geos.factory_generator

  # But use a geographic implementation for point columns.
  config.register(RGeo::Geographic.spherical_factory(srid: 4326), geo_type: "point")

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