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MS CRM 2013中的何处使用业务规则

[英]Where to use business rules in MS CRM 2013

We are upgrading our MS CRM from 2011 to 2013. Since 2011 did not had business rules facility we had used javascript to develop most of the functionalities. 我们正在将MS CRM从2011年升级到2013年。由于2011年没有业务规则功能,因此我们使用javascript开发了大多数功能。 Now we want to replace those javascripts with business rules. 现在,我们要用业务规则替换那些javascript。 Which functionalities should we bring in business rules from javascript? 我们应该从JavaScript中引入哪些业务规则?

I would strongly advise you to think twice before you decide to replace your Javascript with business rules. 我强烈建议您三思而后行,然后再决定用业务规则替换Javascript。

Having worked with them I learned they are useful for implementing relatively simple requirements. 与他们一起工作后,我了解到它们对于实现相对简单的需求很有用。

Two major plusses: 两个主要优点:

  1. Business rules give organizations the possibility to apply some business logic without needing to hire a software developer. 业务规则使组织无需雇用软件开发人员即可应用某些业务逻辑。
  2. For Dynamics CRM 2015 : business rules can be configured to run client AND server side. 对于Dynamics CRM 2015 :可以将业务规则配置为运行客户端和服务器端。

But, business rules also have their limitations: 但是,业务规则也有其局限性:

  1. More complex rules (nested if/else, taking security roles into account, evaluating related record values etc.) are not supported. 不支持更复杂的规则(是否需要嵌套,是否考虑安全角色,评估相关记录值等)。
  2. When you end up configuring many business rules on one form, your solution can quickly become hard too comprehend. 当最终在一种表单上配置许多业务规则时,您的解决方案很快就会变得太难理解。 In Javascript you have much more flexibility in the way you structure your code. 在Javascript中,您在组织代码的方式上具有更大的灵活性。

When your CRM 2011 scripts are currently working fine, I can hardly come up with a reason to replace them. 当前您的CRM 2011脚本运行良好时,我几乎没有理由替换它们。 Recently I frequently ended up removing business rules my collegues configured previously, just because Javascript turned out to be easier to build, understand and maintain. 最近,我经常删除我同事先前配置的业务规则,只是因为事实证明Javascript更易于构建,理解和维护。 The Javascript on these forms still was very modest in lines of code. 这些形式的Javascript在代码行中仍然很少。

The question here is: If the JavaScript use supported methods and it works, why we need/want to replace some of them with Business Rules? 这里的问题是:如果JavaScript使用受支持的方法并且有效,为什么我们需要/想要用业务规则替换其中的某些方法?

You need to check if Business Rules are suitable to replace your JavaScript and if they suit in your project regarding their maintainability 您需要检查业务规则是否适合替换您的JavaScript,以及它们是否适合您的项目,涉及其可维护性

Here a good overview: 这里有一个很好的概述:

https://crmbusiness.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/crm-2013-understanding-business-rules/ https://crmbusiness.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/crm-2013-understanding-business-rules/

I started to look at using Business Rules in CRM2013 and it left me sadly underwhelmed. 我开始研究在CRM2013中使用业务规则,这使我不知所措。 As Henk van Boeijen said you are severely limited because there is no If/Else in CRM 2013 and no ability for an AND clause. 正如Henk van Boeijen所说,您受到严重限制,因为CRM 2013中没有If / Else,也没有AND子句的能力。

CRM 2015 Business Rules are a vast improvement. CRM 2015业务规则是一项巨大的改进。 I did a little blog post about CRM 2015 a few months ago where I talked about Business Rules ( http://crmtroubleshoot.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/crm-2015-review.html ) 几个月前,我写了一篇有关CRM 2015的小博客文章,其中谈到了业务规则( http://crmtroubleshoot.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/crm-2015-review.html

I wouldn't touch business rules until you upgrade to CRM2015 and even then you might want to go with the old "if it ain't broke don't fix it" approach as upgrading your JavaScript from CRM2011 to CRM2013 to CRM2015 is not as vast a change as CRM4 to CRM2011 was. 在升级到CRM2015之前,我不会谈及业务规则,即使那样,您可能仍希望使用旧的“如果还没有破裂,请不要修复”的方法,因为将JavaScript从CRM2011升级到CRM2013到CRM2015并不是那样。从CRM4到CRM2011的巨大变化。

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