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[英]Ionic cli exiting after grunt serve

I'm having an issue trying to run my ionic project. 我在尝试运行离子项目时遇到了问题。 Upon exacting "grunt serve", it performs the various tasks specified in the Grunt file except it stops and exits the Ionic CLI immediately after it opens the ionic CLI. 严格执行“grunt serve”后,它会执行Grunt文件中指定的各种任务,除非它在打开离子CLI后立即停止并退出Ionic CLI。 I will provide a snapshot of the terminal here: 我将在这里提供终端的快照:


Has anyone else ever had this issue? 还有其他人有过这个问题吗? I would appreciate any and all help. 我将不胜感激任何帮助。 Thank you so much for any response! 非常感谢您的回复!

EDIT: I'm not entirely sure if it matters, however upon installation, the program was unable to install the cordova-whitelist plugin. 编辑:我不完全确定它是否重要,但是在安装时,程序无法安装cordova-whitelist插件。

EDIT 2: Here is the Gruntfile.js 编辑2:这是Gruntfile.js


// Generated on 2015-05-22 using generator-ionic 0.7.3
    'use strict';

    var _ = require('lodash');
    var path = require('path');
    var cordovaCli = require('cordova');
    var spawn = process.platform === 'win32' ? require('win-spawn') :        require('child_process').spawn;

module.exports = function (grunt) {

  // Load grunt tasks automatically

  // Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times

  // Define the configuration for all the tasks

    // Project settings
    yeoman: {
      // configurable paths
      app: 'app',
      scripts: 'scripts',
      styles: 'styles',
      images: 'images',
      test: 'test',
      dist: 'www'

    // Environment Variables for Angular App
    // This creates an Angular Module that can be injected via ENV
    // Add any desired constants to the ENV objects below.
    // https://github.com/diegonetto/generator-ionic/blob/master/docs/FAQ.md#how-do-i-add-constants
    ngconstant: {
      options: {
        space: '  ',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n {%= __ngModule %}',
        name: 'config',
        dest: '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/configuration.js'
      development: {
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            name: 'development',
            apiEndpoint: 'http://dev.yoursite.com:10000/'
      production: {
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            name: 'production',
            apiEndpoint: 'http://api.yoursite.com/'

    // Watches files for changes and runs tasks based on the changed files
    watch: {
      bower: {
        files: ['bower.json'],
        tasks: ['wiredep', 'newer:copy:app']
      html: {
        files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/**/*.html'],
        tasks: ['newer:copy:app']
      js: {
        files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/**/*.js'],
        tasks: ['newer:copy:app', 'newer:jshint:all']
      styles: {
        files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.styles %>/**/*.css'],
        tasks: ['newer:copy:styles', 'autoprefixer', 'newer:copy:tmp']
      gruntfile: {
        files: ['Gruntfile.js'],
        tasks: ['ngconstant:development', 'newer:copy:app']

    // The actual grunt server settings
    connect: {
      options: {
        port: 9000,
        // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
        hostname: 'localhost'
      dist: {
        options: {
          base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
      coverage: {
        options: {
          port: 9002,
          open: true,
          base: ['coverage']

    // Make sure code styles are up to par and there are no obvious mistakes
    jshint: {
      options: {
        jshintrc: '.jshintrc',
        reporter: require('jshint-stylish')
      all: [
        '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/**/*.js'
      test: {
        options: {
          jshintrc: 'test/.jshintrc'
        src: ['test/unit/**/*.js']

    // Empties folders to start fresh
    clean: {
      dist: {
        files: [{
          dot: true,
          src: [
            '<%= yeoman.dist %>/*',
            '!<%= yeoman.dist %>/.git*'
      server: '.temp'

    autoprefixer: {
      options: {
        browsers: ['last 1 version']
      dist: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: '.temp/<%= yeoman.styles %>/',
          src: '{,*/}*.css',
          dest: '.temp/<%= yeoman.styles %>/'

    // Automatically inject Bower components into the app
    wiredep: {
      app: {
        src: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html'],
        ignorePath:  /\.\.\//

    // Reads HTML for usemin blocks to enable smart builds that automatically
    // concat, minify and revision files. Creates configurations in memory so
    // additional tasks can operate on them
    useminPrepare: {
      html: '<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html',
      options: {
        dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
        staging: '.temp',
        flow: {
          html: {
            steps: {
              js: ['concat', 'uglifyjs'],
              css: ['cssmin']
            post: {}

    // Performs rewrites based on the useminPrepare configuration
    usemin: {
      html: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/**/*.html'],
      css: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/<%= yeoman.styles %>/**/*.css'],
      options: {
        assetsDirs: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>']

    // The following *-min tasks produce minified files in the dist folder
    cssmin: {
      options: {
        //root: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
        noRebase: true
    htmlmin: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          collapseWhitespace: true,
          collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
          removeCommentsFromCDATA: true,
          removeOptionalTags: true
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
          src: ['*.html', 'templates/**/*.html'],
          dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'

    // Copies remaining files to places other tasks can use
    copy: {
      dist: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          dot: true,
          cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
          dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
          src: [
            '<%= yeoman.images %>/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}',
        }, {
          expand: true,
          cwd: '.temp/<%= yeoman.images %>',
          dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/<%= yeoman.images %>',
          src: ['generated/*']
      styles: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.styles %>',
        dest: '.temp/<%= yeoman.styles %>/',
        src: '{,*/}*.css'
      fonts: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: 'app/bower_components/ionic/release/fonts/',
        dest: '<%= yeoman.app %>/fonts/',
        src: '*'
      vendor: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>/vendor',
        dest: '.temp/<%= yeoman.styles %>/',
        src: '{,*/}*.css'
      app: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: '<%= yeoman.app %>',
        dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/',
        src: [
      tmp: {
        expand: true,
        cwd: '.temp',
        dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/',
        src: '**/*'

    concurrent: {
      ionic: {
        tasks: [],
        options: {
          logConcurrentOutput: true
      server: [
      test: [
      dist: [

    // By default, your `index.html`'s <!-- Usemin block --> will take care of
    // minification. These next options are pre-configured if you do not wish
    // to use the Usemin blocks.
    // cssmin: {
    //   dist: {
    //     files: {
    //       '<%= yeoman.dist %>/<%= yeoman.styles %>/main.css': [
    //         '.temp/<%= yeoman.styles %>/**/*.css',
    //         '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.styles %>/**/*.css'
    //       ]
    //     }
    //   }
    // },
    // uglify: {
    //   dist: {
    //     files: {
    //       '<%= yeoman.dist %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/scripts.js': [
    //         '<%= yeoman.dist %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/scripts.js'
    //       ]
    //     }
    //   }
    // },
    // concat: {
    //   dist: {}
    // },

    // Test settings
    // These will override any config options in karma.conf.js if you create it.
    karma: {
      options: {
        basePath: '',
        frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai'],
        files: [
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/angular/angular.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/ionic/release/js/ionic.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components/ionic/release/js/ionic-angular.js',
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/**/*.js',
          '<%= yeoman.test %>/mock/**/*.js',
          '<%= yeoman.test %>/spec/**/*.js'
        autoWatch: false,
        reporters: ['dots', 'coverage'],
        port: 8080,
        singleRun: false,
        preprocessors: {
          // Update this if you change the yeoman config path
          '<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/**/*.js': ['coverage']
        coverageReporter: {
          reporters: [
            { type: 'html', dir: 'coverage/' },
            { type: 'text-summary' }
      unit: {
        // Change this to 'Chrome', 'Firefox', etc. Note that you will need
        // to install a karma launcher plugin for browsers other than Chrome.
        browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
        background: true
      continuous: {
        browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
        singleRun: true,

    // ngAnnotate tries to make the code safe for minification automatically by
    // using the Angular long form for dependency injection.
    ngAnnotate: {
      dist: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: '.temp/concat/<%= yeoman.scripts %>',
          src: '*.js',
          dest: '.temp/concat/<%= yeoman.scripts %>'


  // Register tasks for all Cordova commands
  _.functions(cordovaCli).forEach(function (name) {
    grunt.registerTask(name, function () {
      this.args.unshift(name.replace('cordova:', ''));
      // Handle URL's being split up by Grunt because of `:` characters
      if (_.contains(this.args, 'http') || _.contains(this.args, 'https')) {
        this.args = this.args.slice(0, -2).concat(_.last(this.args, 2).join(':'));
      var done = this.async();
      var exec = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'cordova.cmd' : 'cordova';
      var cmd = path.resolve('./node_modules/cordova/bin', exec);
      var flags = process.argv.splice(3);
      var child = spawn(cmd, this.args.concat(flags));
      child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
      child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
      child.on('close', function (code) {
        code = code ? false : true;

  // Since Apache Ripple serves assets directly out of their respective platform
  // directories, we watch all registered files and then copy all un-built assets
  // over to <%= yeoman.dist %>/. Last step is running cordova prepare so we can refresh the ripple
  // browser tab to see the changes. Technically ripple runs `cordova prepare` on browser
  // refreshes, but at this time you would need to re-run the emulator to see changes.
  grunt.registerTask('ripple', ['wiredep', 'newer:copy:app', 'ripple-emulator']);
  grunt.registerTask('ripple-emulator', function () {
    grunt.config.set('watch', {
      all: {
        files: _.flatten(_.pluck(grunt.config.get('watch'), 'files')),
        tasks: ['newer:copy:app', 'prepare']

    var cmd = path.resolve('./node_modules/ripple-emulator/bin', 'ripple');
    var child = spawn(cmd, ['emulate']);
    child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
    child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
    process.on('exit', function (code) {

    return grunt.task.run(['watch']);

  // Dynamically configure `karma` target of `watch` task so that
  // we don't have to run the karma test server as part of `grunt serve`
  grunt.registerTask('watch:karma', function () {
    var karma = {
      files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/<%= yeoman.scripts %>/**/*.js', '<%= yeoman.test %>/spec/**/*.js'],
      tasks: ['newer:jshint:test', 'karma:unit:run']
    grunt.config.set('watch', karma);
    return grunt.task.run(['watch']);

  // Wrap ionic-cli commands
  grunt.registerTask('ionic', function() {
    var done = this.async();
    var script = path.resolve('./node_modules/ionic/bin/', 'ionic');
    var flags = process.argv.splice(3);
    var child = spawn(script, this.args.concat(flags), { stdio: 'inherit' });
    child.on('close', function (code) {
      code = code ? false : true;

  grunt.registerTask('test', [

  grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) {
    if (target === 'compress') {
      return grunt.task.run(['compress', 'ionic:serve']);

    grunt.config('concurrent.ionic.tasks', ['ionic:serve', 'watch']);
    grunt.task.run(['wiredep', 'init', 'concurrent:ionic']);
  grunt.registerTask('emulate', function() {
    grunt.config('concurrent.ionic.tasks', ['ionic:emulate:' + this.args.join(), 'watch']);
    return grunt.task.run(['init', 'concurrent:ionic']);
  grunt.registerTask('run', function() {
    grunt.config('concurrent.ionic.tasks', ['ionic:run:' + this.args.join(), 'watch']);
    return grunt.task.run(['init', 'concurrent:ionic']);
  grunt.registerTask('build', function() {
    return grunt.task.run(['init', 'ionic:build:' + this.args.join()]);

  grunt.registerTask('init', [

  grunt.registerTask('compress', [


  grunt.registerTask('default', [


grunt-concurrent@2.0.0 can not keep running ionic:serve and watch tasks in parallel. grunt-concurrent@2.0.0无法继续运行ionic:serve并行ionic:servewatch任务。 Details of the issue sindresorhus/grunt-concurrent sindresorhus / grunt-concurrent问题的详细信息

It's possible to solve the issue downgrading to grunt-concurrent@1.0.0 , using the command: 使用以下命令可以解决降级到grunt-concurrent@1.0.0的问题:

To fix the issue: 要解决此问题:

npm install grunt-concurrent@1.0.0 --save-dev

Also is posible use grunt-parallel as alternative grunt-parallel works fine to this case. 也可以使用grunt-parallel作为替代grunt-parallel对这种情况很好。

Altenative fix the issue: Altenative解决了这个问题:

  1. Install grunt-parallel with npm install grunt-parallel --save-dev 安装grunt-parallelnpm install grunt-parallel --save-dev
  2. Add configuration for parallel task 添加并行任务的配置

 grunt.initConfig({ parallel: { assets: { options: { grunt: true }, tasks: ['ionic:serve', 'watch'] } } }); 

  1. Modify the serve task registration grunt.registerTask('serve', ... ) 修改服务任务注册grunt.registerTask('serve', ... )

    • Remove grunt.config('concurrent.ionic.tasks', ['ionic:serve', 'watch']); 删除grunt.config('concurrent.ionic.tasks', ['ionic:serve', 'watch']);
    • Modify grunt.task.run with grunt.task.run(['wiredep', 'init', 'concurrent:ionic', 'parallel:assets']); 使用grunt.task.run(['wiredep', 'init', 'concurrent:ionic', 'parallel:assets']);修改grunt.task.run grunt.task.run(['wiredep', 'init', 'concurrent:ionic', 'parallel:assets']);

finally, you will see the serve task registration, like this: 最后,您将看到服务任务注册,如下所示:

 grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) { if (target === 'compress') { return grunt.task.run(['compress', 'ionic:serve']); } grunt.task.run(['wiredep', 'init', 'concurrent:ionic', 'parallel:assets']); }); 

  1. Run grunt serve 运行grunt serve

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