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[英]Issue with Payment method selection when I add Braintree Drop-in UI in Spree Store

I'm trying to implement extension to accommodate drop-in UI of braintree when customer selects Braintree as a payment method. 当客户选择Braintree作为付款方式时,我试图实现扩展以适应Braintree的嵌入式UI。 If I add braintree js code into _gateway.html.erb then all the other payment methods stop working. 如果我将Braintree js代码添加到_gateway.html.erb中,则所有其他付款方式都将停止工作。 If I select any other method except braintree and click "Save and continue" then nothing happens. 如果我选择除braintree以外的任何其他方法,然后单击“保存并继续”,则什么也不会发生。 "Save and continue" button just gets disabled. “保存并继续”按钮只是被禁用。

I've overwritten spree/frontend/app/views/spree/checkout/_gateway.html.erb. 我已经覆盖了spree / frontend / app / views / spree / checkout / _gateway.html.erb。

<% if payment_method.name == "Braintree" %>

 <div id="dropin"></div>

<% else %>
<div class="well clearfix">

  <%= image_tag 'credit_cards/credit_card.gif', :id => 'credit-card-image', :class => 'pull-right', :width => '170', :height => '28' %>
  <% param_prefix = "payment_source[#{payment_method.id}]" %>

  <p class="field">
    <%= label_tag "name_on_card_#{payment_method.id}" do %>
      <%= Spree.t(:name_on_card) %><abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>
    <% end %>
    <%= text_field_tag "#{param_prefix}[name]", "#{@order.billing_firstname} #{@order.billing_lastname}", { id: "name_on_card_#{payment_method.id}", :class => 'form-control required'} %>

  <p class="field" data-hook="card_number">
    <%= label_tag "card_number" do %>
      <%= Spree.t(:card_number) %><abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>
    <% end %>
    <% options_hash = Rails.env.production? ? {:autocomplete => 'off'} : {} %>
    <%= text_field_tag "#{param_prefix}[number]", '', options_hash.merge(:id => 'card_number', :class => 'form-control required cardNumber', :size => 19, :maxlength => 19, :autocomplete => "off") %>
    <span id="card_type" style="display:none;">
      ( <span id="looks_like" ><%= Spree.t(:card_type_is) %> <span id="type"></span></span>
        <span id="unrecognized"><%= Spree.t(:unrecognized_card_type) %></span>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-8 field" data-hook="card_expiration">
      <%= label_tag "card_expiry" do %>
        <%= Spree.t(:expiration) %><abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>
      <% end %>
      <%= text_field_tag "#{param_prefix}[expiry]", '', :id => 'card_expiry', :class => "form-control required cardExpiry", :placeholder => "MM / YY" %>
    <div class="col-md-4 field" data-hook="card_code">
      <%= label_tag "card_code" do %>
        <%= Spree.t(:card_code) %><abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>
      <% end %>
      <%= text_field_tag "#{param_prefix}[verification_value]", '', options_hash.merge(:id => 'card_code', :class => 'form-control required cardCode', :size => 5) %>
      <%= link_to "(#{Spree.t(:what_is_this)})", spree.content_path('cvv'), :target => '_blank', "data-hook" => "cvv_link", :id => "cvv_link" %>

  <%= hidden_field_tag "#{param_prefix}[cc_type]", '', :id => "cc_type", :class => 'ccType' %>

<% end %>
<%= @client_token = Braintree::ClientToken.generate %>
<script type="text/javascript">
braintree.setup("<%=@client_token%>", 'dropin', {
      container: 'dropin'

I work at Braintree. 我在Braintree工作。 If you don't specify the form option inside the call to braintree.setup , braintree.js will attach its behavior to the closest parent form element. 如果未在braintree.setup的调用内指定form选项,braintree.js会将其行为附加到最接近的父form元素。 Since it looks like the parent form of your braintree container is the same form used by the other checkout flows, braintree.js will indeed hijack the call made by the submit button (regardless of the payment flow being used). 由于您的braintree容器的父表单看起来与其他结帐流程所使用的表单相同,因此braintree.js的确会劫持“提交”按钮进行的​​调用(无论使用何种付款流程)。 I recommend creating two separate form elements, and passing the id of the one used by braintree to the braintree.setup call. 我建议创建两个单独的表单元素,并将braintree使用的表单元素的id传递给braintree.setup调用。

braintree.setup("<%=@client_token%>", 'dropin', {
    container: ‘dropin’,
    form: ‘braintree_checkout'

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