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[英]Get HTML button in aspx.cs page

Can I get a button or anchor written in pure HTML (with no runat=server) from my backend C# code? 我可以从后端C#代码中获取纯HTML编写的按钮或锚(没有runat = server)吗?

I mean, my button is in aspx page and I want to get the button in aspx.cs page. 我的意思是,我的按钮在aspx页面中,我想在aspx.cs页面中获取该按钮。

No you cannot get html controls not decorated with runat="server" in code-behind. 不,您无法在代码隐藏中获取未用runat="server"装饰的html控件。
The FindControl method also works for only those controls that are marked runat="server" . FindControl方法也仅适用于标记为runat="server"控件。

I think you can do it by using jquery ajax and webmethod like below 我认为您可以通过使用如下的jquery ajax和webmethod来做到这一点

write in aspx page below code on button click 单击按钮下面的代码在aspx页面中写

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
                url: "YourPAge.aspx/GetHTML",
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                success: function (data) 
                              //You will get html code here 
                              alert("success: " + data.d); 
                failure: function (data) 
                                alert("Failure : " + data.d);
                error: function (data) 
                                alert("Error3 : " + data.d);

aspx.cs code aspx.cs代码

public static string GetHTML()
  string html="<html><body></body></html>" 
  return html; 

I've always believed it was there more for the understanding that you can mix ASP.NET tags and HTML Tags, and HTML Tags have the option of either being runat="server" or not. 我一直认为,您可以将ASP.NET标记和HTML标记混合使用,而HTML标记则可以选择是否运行runat =“ server”。 It doesn't hurt anything to leave the tag in, and it causes a compiler error to take it out. 将标记保留在其中不会造成任何伤害,并且会导致编译器错误将其取出。 The more things you imply about web language, the less easy it is for a budding programmer to come in and learn it. 您对Web语言所隐含的内容越多,对于一个崭露头角的程序员来说,学习它的难度就越小。 That's as good a reason as any to be verbose about tag attributes. 就像任何关于标签属性的详细说明一样,这也是一个很好的理由。

the importance of is more for consistency and extensibility. 对于一致性和可扩展性的重要性更大。

If the developer has to mark some tags (viz. ) for the ASP.NET Engine to ignore, then there's also the potential issue of namespace collisions among tags and future enhancements. 如果开发人员必须标记一些标记(即)以使ASP.NET Engine忽略,那么标记和将来的增强之间就存在名称空间冲突的潜在问题。 By requiring the attribute, this is negated. 通过要求属性,可以否定该属性。

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