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[英]BaseX query optimization on join

After the issue in the following Stackoverflow is fixed, I have another problem when I try to make a join as below. 解决了以下Stackoverflow中的问题之后,尝试按如下所示进行联接时遇到另一个问题。 The last query takes about 250ms while the first two take only 16ms. 最后一个查询大约需要250毫秒,而前两个查询只需要16毫秒。 Is there a better way to perform join between two items? 有没有更好的方法来执行两个项目之间的联接?

Note: You can find the test data from this link . 注意:您可以从此链接中找到测试数据。

  let $PlGeTys :=

let $PlSpTys :=

for  $PlGeTy in  $PlGeTys,
 $PlSpTy in  $PlSpTys
 where $PlSpTy/isOfPlGeTy/@href=$PlGeTy/@id
 return <done>{$PlGeTy, $PlSpTy }</done>

Here is the query info: 这是查询信息:

- applying attribute index for $PlGeTys_0/@*:id
- rewriting where clause(s)
let $PlGeTys := /root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[ isOfPlCt/@href=/root/PlCts/PlCt[ environment='AIR' ]/@id ] let $PlSpTys := /root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[ isOfPlGeTy/@href=$PlGeTys/@id ] for $PlGeTy in $PlGeTys, $PlSpTy in $PlSpTys where $PlSpTy/isOfPlGeTy/@href=$PlGeTy/@id return "done"
Optimized Query:
let $PlGeTys_0 := db:open-pre("Output6",0)/*:root/*:PlGeTys/*:PlGeTy[(*:isOfPlCt/@*:href = root()/*:root/*:PlCts/*:PlCt[(*:environment = "AIR")]/@*:id)] let $PlSpTys_1 := db:attribute("Output6", $PlGeTys_0/@*:id)/self::*:href/parent::*:isOfPlGeTy/parent::*:PlSpTy for $PlGeTy_2 in $PlGeTys_0 for $PlSpTy_3 in ($PlSpTys_1)[(isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy_2/@*:id)] return "done"
- Hit(s): 3642 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 18209 Bytes
- Read Locking: local [Output6]
- Write Locking: none
- Parsing: 0.77 ms
- Compiling: 0.47 ms
- Evaluating: 215.71 ms
- Printing: 0.17 ms
- Total Time: 217.11 ms
Query plan:
<QueryPlan compiled="true">
      <Var name="$PlGeTys" id="0"/>
        <DBNode name="Output6" pre="0"/>
        <IterStep axis="child" test="*:root"/>
        <IterStep axis="child" test="*:PlGeTys"/>
        <IterStep axis="child" test="*:PlGeTy">
          <CmpG op="=">
              <IterStep axis="child" test="*:isOfPlCt"/>
              <IterStep axis="attribute" test="*:href"/>
              <IterStep axis="child" test="*:root"/>
              <IterStep axis="child" test="*:PlCts"/>
              <IterStep axis="child" test="*:PlCt">
                <CmpG op="=">
                    <IterStep axis="child" test="*:environment"/>
                  <Str value="AIR" type="xs:string"/>
              <IterStep axis="attribute" test="*:id"/>
      <Var name="$PlSpTys" id="1"/>
        <ValueAccess data="Output6" type="ATTRIBUTE">
              <Var name="$PlGeTys" id="0"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="*:id"/>
        <IterStep axis="self" test="*:href"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:isOfPlGeTy"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:PlSpTy"/>
      <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="2"/>
        <Var name="$PlGeTys" id="0"/>
      <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="3"/>
          <Var name="$PlSpTys" id="1"/>
        <CmpG op="=">
            <IterStep axis="child" test="isOfPlGeTy"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="href"/>
              <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="2"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="*:id"/>
    <Str value="done" type="xs:string"/>

Update two: 更新二:

The issue above is fixed. 上面的问题已解决。 But when I want to use it in a local function as below, it takes about 700 ms. 但是,当我想在下面的局部函数中使用它时,大约需要700毫秒。 Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

declare function local:result($root as element(root)) as element()* {
  let $PlCts := $root/PlCts/PlCt[environment = 'AIR']/@id
  for $PlGeTy in $root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts],
      $PlSpTy in $root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy/@id]
  return <done>{ $PlGeTy, $PlSpTy }</done>

let $result := local:result(/root)
return $result

Query info; 查询信息;

- removing redundant element()* cast.
- inlining local:result#1
- inlining $root_5 as element(root)
- simplifying flwor expression
declare function local:result($root as element(root)) as element()* { let $PlCts := $root/PlCts/PlCt[environment = 'AIR']/@id for $PlGeTy in $root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts], $PlSpTy in $root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy/@id] return <done>{ $PlGeTy, $PlSpTy }</done> }; let $result := local:result(/root) return $result
Optimized Query:
let $PlCts_6 := ((: element(root), true :) db:open-pre("Output6",0)/*:root)/PlCts/PlCt[(environment = "AIR")]/@id let $result_4 := for $PlGeTy_7 in ((: element(root), true :) db:open-pre("Output6",0)/*:root)/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[(isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts_6)] for $PlSpTy_8 in ((: element(root), true :) db:open-pre("Output6",0)/*:root)/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[(isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy_7/@id)] return element done { (($PlGeTy_7, $PlSpTy_8)) } return $result_4
- Hit(s): 3642 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 553 KB
- Read Locking: local [Output6]
- Write Locking: none
- Parsing: 1.41 ms
- Compiling: 2.9 ms
- Evaluating: 581.5 ms
- Printing: 8.34 ms
- Total Time: 594.15 ms
Query plan:
<QueryPlan compiled="true">
      <Var name="$PlCts" id="6"/>
        <TypeCheck type="element(root)" function="true">
            <DBNode name="Output6" pre="0"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="*:root"/>
        <IterStep axis="child" test="PlCts"/>
        <IterStep axis="child" test="PlCt">
          <CmpG op="=">
              <IterStep axis="child" test="environment"/>
            <Str value="AIR" type="xs:string"/>
        <IterStep axis="attribute" test="id"/>
      <Var name="$result" id="4"/>
          <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="7"/>
            <TypeCheck type="element(root)" function="true">
                <DBNode name="Output6" pre="0"/>
                <IterStep axis="child" test="*:root"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="PlGeTys"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="PlGeTy">
              <CmpG op="=">
                  <IterStep axis="child" test="isOfPlCt"/>
                  <IterStep axis="attribute" test="href"/>
                  <Var name="$PlCts" id="6"/>
          <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="8"/>
            <TypeCheck type="element(root)" function="true">
                <DBNode name="Output6" pre="0"/>
                <IterStep axis="child" test="*:root"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="PlSpTys"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="PlSpTy">
              <CmpG op="=">
                  <IterStep axis="child" test="isOfPlGeTy"/>
                  <IterStep axis="attribute" test="href"/>
                    <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="7"/>
                  <IterStep axis="attribute" test="id"/>
          <QNm value="done" type="xs:QName"/>
              <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="7"/>
              <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="8"/>
      <Var name="$result" id="4"/>

Update three: Now, I have another issue when I extend the query with the additional "Cont" items, The query execution lasts about 600 ms. 更新三:现在,当我使用附加的“ Cont”项扩展查询时,我还有另一个问题,查询执行持续约600毫秒。 But without "Cont" items, it takes only 35 ms. 但是,如果没有“继续”项,则只需35毫秒。 Do you any suggestion on optimizing this query? 您对优化此查询有任何建议吗?

let $PlCts := /root/PlCts/PlCt[environment = 'AIR']/@id

for $PlGeTy in /root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts],
    $PlSpTy in /root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy/@id],
    $Cont in /root/Conts/Cont[@id=$PlSpTy/isOfCont/@href]
return <done>{ $PlGeTy, $PlSpTy, $Cont }</done>

This is the link of the latest XML data for testing. 这是用于测试的最新XML数据的链接

The query info: 查询信息:

- applying text index for "AIR"
- applying attribute index for $PlCts_0
- applying attribute index for $PlGeTy_1/@id
- applying attribute index for $PlSpTy_2/isOfCont/@href
- inlining $PlCts_0
let $PlCts := /root/PlCts/PlCt[environment = 'AIR']/@id for $PlGeTy in /root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts], $PlSpTy in /root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy/@id], $Cont in /root/Conts/Cont[@id=$PlSpTy/isOfCont/@href] return <done>{ $PlGeTy, $PlSpTy, $Cont }</done>
Optimized Query:
for $PlGeTy_1 in db:attribute("Output7", db:text("Output7", "AIR")/parent::*:environment/parent::*:PlCt/@*:id)/self::*:href/parent::*:isOfPlCt/parent::*:PlGeTy for $PlSpTy_2 in db:attribute("Output7", $PlGeTy_1/@id)/self::*:href/parent::*:isOfPlGeTy/parent::*:PlSpTy for $Cont_3 in db:attribute("Output7", $PlSpTy_2/isOfCont/@href)/self::*:id/parent::*:Cont return element done { (($PlGeTy_1, $PlSpTy_2, $Cont_3)) }
- Hit(s): 3642 Items
- Updated: 0 Items
- Printed: 1159 KB
- Read Locking: local [Output7]
- Write Locking: none
- Parsing: 0.39 ms
- Compiling: 0.68 ms
- Evaluating: 585.29 ms
- Printing: 14.36 ms
- Total Time: 600.72 ms
Query plan:
<QueryPlan compiled="true">
      <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="1"/>
        <ValueAccess data="Output7" type="ATTRIBUTE">
            <ValueAccess data="Output7" type="TEXT" name="*:environment">
              <Str value="AIR" type="xs:string"/>
            <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:PlCt"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="*:id"/>
        <IterStep axis="self" test="*:href"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:isOfPlCt"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:PlGeTy"/>
      <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="2"/>
        <ValueAccess data="Output7" type="ATTRIBUTE">
              <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="1"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="id"/>
        <IterStep axis="self" test="*:href"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:isOfPlGeTy"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:PlSpTy"/>
      <Var name="$Cont" id="3"/>
        <ValueAccess data="Output7" type="ATTRIBUTE">
              <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="2"/>
            <IterStep axis="child" test="isOfCont"/>
            <IterStep axis="attribute" test="href"/>
        <IterStep axis="self" test="*:id"/>
        <IterStep axis="parent" test="*:Cont"/>
      <QNm value="done" type="xs:QName"/>
          <Var name="$PlGeTy" id="1"/>
          <Var name="$PlSpTy" id="2"/>
          <Var name="$Cont" id="3"/>

In those for loops, the results of the two "large" XPath expressions are already cached by the optimizer. 在那些for循环中,优化器已经缓存了两个“大” XPath表达式的结果。 Furthermore, you're actually comparing the href/id attributes twice. 此外,您实际上在两次比较href / id属性。

Cleaning up the query removing this double effort reduces the execution time by about 90%. 清理查询消除了这种双重努力,可以将执行时间减少约90%。

let $PlCts := /root/PlCts/PlCt[environment = 'AIR']/@id
for $PlGeTy in /root/PlGeTys/PlGeTy[isOfPlCt/@href = $PlCts],
    $PlSpTy in /root/PlSpTys/PlSpTy[isOfPlGeTy/@href = $PlGeTy/@id]
return <done>{ $PlGeTy, $PlSpTy }</done>

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