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超过速率限制后如何撤销Twitter API请求?

[英]How to revoke twitter API request after rate limit exceed?

I am working with Twitter API 1.1 and I am fetching tweets of a user. 我正在使用Twitter API 1.1,正在获取用户的推文。

I am using this code 我正在使用此代码

        $url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json";
        $requestMethod = "GET";
        $cursor = isset($cursor) ? $cursor : "-1";
        $getfield = "?cursor=" . $cursor . "&user_id=" . $user . "&count=10";
        $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);               
        $string  = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
                ->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
        $tweets = json_decode($string, 1); 
        echo '<pre>';print_r($string);echo '</pre>';

Is there way to recieve since_id after a particualr request so that I can requeue my function for the next request starting from the last recieved id? 有一个方法可以在收到特定请求后接收since_id,以便我可以从上一个收到的ID开始为下一个请求重新排队?

For Example: In a single request I am fetching 0-1000 records, On my next request I want start from 1001th record. 例如:在一个请求中,我要获取0-1000条记录,在下一个请求中,我要从第1001条记录开始。

Is it possible in twitter? 在twitter上可以吗?

If you made a request to a timeline without using since_id, and the most recent tweet you got back had the ID "123" then, after an interval, you can use that most recent tweet ID "123" as your since_id value to user_timeline. 如果您在不使用since_id的情况下向时间轴发出请求,而您返回的最新tweet的ID为“ 123”,那么在间隔之后,您可以使用最新tweet ID“ 123”作为user_timeline的since_id值。 You would then get (up to 200) of the next most recent tweets posted by that user "since" they posted tweet "123". 然后,您将获得(最多200条)该用户发布的第二条最新推文,因为他们发布了推文“ 123”。

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