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C ++ Primer(第5版):“ 16.3重载和模板”在其所有“更专业的”示例中是否错误?

[英]C++ Primer (5th ed.) : Is “16.3 Overloading and Templates” wrong in all its “more specialized” examples?

Section 16.3 of C++ Primer (5th edition) - Overloading and Templates -, teaches the function matching procedure in the presence of candidate function template(s) instantiations. C ++ Primer(第5版)的第16.3节“重载和模板”介绍了在存在候选函数模板实例化的情况下进行函数匹配的过程。

Here are the declaration for the function templates used in this section: 这是本节中使用的功能模板的声明:

using std::string;
template <class T> string debug_rep(const T &); /* 1 */
template <class T> string debug_rep(T *);       /* 2 */
// definitions not relevant for the questions

First example 第一个例子

string s("SO");

it is then said that the generated instantiations will thus be: 因此,可以说生成的实例将是:

  1. debug_rep(const string *&) (with T bound to string * ) debug_rep(const string *&)T绑定到string *
  2. debug_rep(string *)

Q1 Is it correct for #1 ? Q1对#1正确吗? Should not it instantiate debug_rep(string* const &) instead? 它不应该实例化debug_rep(string* const &)吗?

Second example 第二个例子

const string *sp = &s;
debug_rep(sp); //string literal type is const char[10]

it is then said that the generated instantiations will thus be: 因此,可以说生成的实例将是:

  1. debug_rep(const string *&) (with T bound to const string * ) debug_rep(const string *&)T绑定到const string *
  2. debug_rep(const string *)

Thus, both instantiated candidate would provide an exact match, selection being made on the more specialized template (-> #2) 因此,两个实例化的候选者都将提供精确匹配,在更专业的模板上进行选择(->#2)

Q2.1 Is it correct for #1 ? Q2.1对#1正确吗? Should not it instantiate debug_rep(const string* const &) ? 它不应该实例化debug_rep(const string* const &)吗?

Q2.2 Assuming the instantiated function is the one just above, can we affirm it is not an exact match any more ? Q2.2假设实例化函数只是上面的函数,我们可以确定它不再是精确匹配吗?

Third example 第三个例子

debug_rep("SO world!"); //string literal type is const char[10]

it is then said that the generated instantiations will thus be: 因此,可以说生成的实例将是:

  1. debug_rep(const T &) (with T bound to char[10] ) debug_rep(const T &)T绑定到char[10]
  2. debug_rep(const string *)

Thus, both instantiated candidate would provide an exact match, selection being made on the more specialized template (-> #2) 因此,两个实例化的候选者都将提供精确匹配,在更专业的模板上进行选择(->#2)

Q3.1 Is the type deduced for T correct in #1 ? Q3.1在#1中为T推导的类型是否正确? Should not it be const char[10] instead ? 它不应该是const char[10]吗?

Q3.2 Assuming the deduced type for T is actually the one just above, can we affirm it is not an exact match any more ? Q3.2假设T的推导类型实际上就是上面的推导类型,我们可以确定它不再是精确匹配吗?

You're given these declarations: 您得到以下声明:

using std::string;
template <class T> string debug_rep(const T &); /* 1 */
template <class T> string debug_rep(T *);       /* 2 */

In the invocation 在调用中

string s("SO");

the &s produces a string* , which can only match the T const& of (1) when T is string* . &s产生一个string* ,仅当Tstring*时才能与(1)的T const&相匹配。 For the T* in (2), there is a match for T bound to string . 对于(2)中的T* ,绑定到string T有一个匹配项。 So, provided your quoting is correct, the book is wrong about 因此,只要您的报价是正确的,那本书就错了

 debug_rep(const string *&) 

being a possible instantiation: there is no such. 是一个可能的实例:没有这样的实例。

The instantiation resulting from T = string* would instead be T = string*产生的实例将改为

debug_rep( string* const& )

But which instantiation will be called? 但是将调用哪个实例化?

As a general rule the simplest match is superior, but I never manage to remember the exact rules, so, I ask Visual C++ (because its typeid(T).name() produces readable type names by default): 通常,最简单的匹配是更好的规则,但是我从来没有记住确切的规则,所以我问Visual C ++(因为默认情况下,它的typeid(T).name()产生可读的类型名称):

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

template< class T >
struct Type {};

template <class T> auto debug_rep( T const& )   // 1
    -> string
{ return string() + "1 --> T = " + typeid(Type<T>).name(); }

template <class T> auto debug_rep( T* )         // 2
    -> string
{ return string() + "2 --> T = " + typeid(Type<T>).name(); }

auto main() -> int
    string s( "SO" );
    cout << debug_rep( &s ) << endl;
    cout << "The type 'int const' is shown as " << typeid(Type<int const>).name() << endl;

And it says: 它说:

2 --> T = struct Type<class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > >
The type 'int const' is shown as struct Type<int const >

And so on for your second and third examples: apparently the author got some mixup regarding const . 对于第二个和第三个示例,依此类推:显然,作者对const有一些困惑。

EDIT : Thanks to Alf answer, and its elegant trick to conserve complete information about a type while using typeid , I was able to write a program that addresses most of my questions (changing from std::string to int for output readability.) 编辑 :感谢Alf的回答,以及使用typeid可以保存有关类型的完整信息的巧妙技巧,我能够编写一个程序解决我的大多数问题(从std::string更改为int以提高输出可读性。)
The complete code can be edited and run rextester online IDE . 完整的代码可以编辑并运行rextester在线IDE

Let's define a few classes and methods: 让我们定义一些类和方法:

template <class> class Type{}; // Allowing to get full type information with typeid

template <class T> std::string typeStr()
{ return typeid(Type<T>).name(); }

template <class T> void debug_rep(const T &a) /* 1 */
    std::cout << "[1] T type is: "    << typeStr<T>()
              << "\t| arg type is: " << typeStr<decltype(a)>() << std::endl;

template <class T> void force_1(const T &a)   /* 1 */
    std::cout << "[forced 1] T type is: "    << typeStr<T>()
              << "\t| arg type is: " << typeStr<decltype(a)>() << std::endl;

template <class T> void debug_rep(T *a)       /* 2 */
    std::cout << "[2] T type is: "    << typeStr<T>()
              << "\t| arg type is: " << typeStr<decltype(a)>() << std::endl;

example 1 例子1

Running: 运行:

std::cout << "---First example---" << std::endl;
int i = 41;

Displays: 显示:

---First example---
[2] T type is: class Type<int>  | arg type is: class Type<int *>
[forced 1] T type is: class Type<int *> | arg type is: class Type<int * const &>

Q1 : we can remark that, when we call force_1, instantiating a template corresponding to #1, the argument type is int * const & , so the book is not correct, and the instantiated candidate #1 would be 问题1 :我们可以说,当我们调用force_1时,实例化与#1对应的模板时,参数类型为int * const & ,因此书不正确,实例化的候选#1将为

  1. debug_rep(int* const &)

example 2 例子2

Running: 运行:

std::cout << "---Second example---" << std::endl;
const int *ip = &i;

Displays: 显示:

---Second example---
[2] T type is: class Type<int const >   | arg type is: class Type<int const *>
[forced 1] T type is: class Type<int const *>   | arg type is: class Type<int const * const &>

Q2.1 : Calling force_1 , we remark that the argument type will be int const * const & , so the book is missing const qualification on the reference. Q2.1 :调用force_1 ,我们注意到参数类型为int const * const & ,因此这本书在参考文献上缺少const限定符。 The instantiated candidate will actually be: 实例化的候选人实际上将是:

  1. debug_rep(const int * const &)

Q2.2 The second candidate being debug_rep(const int *) , it is an exact match for ip (which is a pointer to constant integer). Q2.2第二个候选对象是debug_rep(const int *) ,它与ip (这是指向常量整数的指针)完全匹配。 To check if the first candidate has a lower rank, let's write: 要检查第一个候选人的排名是否较低,让我们写:

void debug_rep_plain_b(const int * const &)   /* 1 */
{ std::cout << "[plain 1]" << std::endl;}

void debug_rep_plain_b(const int *)           /* 2 */
{ std::cout << "[plain 2]" << std::endl; }

If we try to compile: 如果我们尝试编译:


There is a compilation error for ambiguous call: So the answer to Q2.2 is NO, it is still an exact match ! 模棱两可的调用存在编译错误:因此,对Q2.2的回答为“否”,它仍然是完全匹配的! For the templated version, the compiler actually uses the rule regarding the most specialized template to resolve the ambiguity. 对于模板版本,编译器实际上使用有关最专业模板的规则来解决歧义。
Even if there is a mistake in the deduced candidate, the book is correct regarding the fact that this example illustrates overload resolution using the most specialized template. 即使推断出的候选者有误,该书也正确无误,因为该示例使用最专业的模板说明了重载解决方案。

example 3 例子3

Running: 运行:

std::cout << "---Third example---" << std::endl;
const int ia[3] = {1, 2, 3};

Displays: 显示:

---Third example---
[2] T type is: class Type<int const >   | arg type is: class Type<int const *>
[forced 1] T type is: class Type<int const [3]> | arg type is: class Type<int const (&)[3]>

Q3.1 The type deduced for T by CL is array of const integer, so the book would be mistaken. Q3.1 CL为T推导的类型是const整数数组,因此会被误认为是本书。

BUT the result is inconsistent with GCC or Clang, that would output: 但是结果与GCC或Clang不一致,将输出:

---Third example---
[2] T type is:4TypeIKiE | arg type is: 4TypeIPKiE
[forced 1] T type is:4TypeIA3_iE    | arg type is: 4TypeIRA3_KiE

The interesting part being: 有趣的部分是:
[forced 1] T type is:4TypeI A3_i E [强制1] T类型为:4TypeI A3_i E
meaning that they deduce T as an array of 3 non -const integers (because _i, not _Ki), which would agree with the book. 表示他们将T推导为3个非常量整数的数组(因为_i而不是_Ki),这与本书一致。

I will have to open another question for this one, I cannot understand the type deduction operated by GCC and Clang... 我将不得不为此提出另一个问题,我无法理解GCC和Clang进行的类型推导...

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