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[英]Lifetime of a mutable element in struct

How can I define a mutable element in a struct ? 如何在struct定义可变元素? If I have the following example: 如果我有以下示例:

struct User<'a> {
    reference: String,
    email: String,
    addresses: &'a mut Vec<Address>

struct Address {
    street: String,
    city: String

fn main() {

    let mut users = Vec::new();
    users.push(User {
        reference: "ref".to_string(),
        email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
        addresses: &mut Vec::new()


...it produces an error: ...它会产生错误:

src/main.rs:18:19: 18:29 error: borrowed value does not live long enough
src/main.rs:18      addresses: &mut Vec::new()
src/main.rs:14:29: 21:2 note: reference must be valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 14:28...
src/main.rs:14  let mut users = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:15  users.push(User {
src/main.rs:16      reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:17      email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:18      addresses: &mut Vec::new()
src/main.rs:19  });
src/main.rs:15:2: 19:5 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the statement at 15:1
src/main.rs:15  users.push(User {
src/main.rs:16      reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:17      email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:18      addresses: &mut Vec::new()
src/main.rs:19  });
src/main.rs:15:2: 19:5 help: consider using a `let` binding to increase its lifetime
src/main.rs:15  users.push(User {
src/main.rs:16      reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:17      email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:18      addresses: &mut Vec::new()
src/main.rs:19  });
error: aborting due to previous error

...and if I take compiler's suggestion help: consider using a let binding to increase its lifetime : ...如果我接受编译器的建议help: consider using a let binding to increase its lifetime

fn main() {

    let mut users = Vec::new();
    let mut addresses = Vec::new();
    users.push(User {
        reference: "ref".to_string(),
        email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
        addresses: &mut addresses


...I still get a similar error: ......我仍然得到类似的错误:

src/main.rs:19:19: 19:28 error: `addresses` does not live long enough
src/main.rs:19      addresses: &mut addresses
src/main.rs:14:29: 22:2 note: reference must be valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 14:28...
src/main.rs:14  let mut users = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:15  let mut addresses = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:16  users.push(User {
src/main.rs:17      reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:18      email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:19      addresses: &mut addresses
src/main.rs:15:33: 22:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 1 at 15:32
src/main.rs:15  let mut addresses = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:16  users.push(User {
src/main.rs:17      reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:18      email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:19      addresses: &mut addresses
src/main.rs:20  });
error: aborting due to previous error

What's the issue here? 这是什么问题?

UPDATE: So this situation is actually closer to my problem: 更新:所以这种情况实际上更接近我的问题:

struct User<'a> {
    reference: String,
    email: String,
    addresses: &'a mut Vec<Address>

struct Address {
    street: String,
    city: String

fn main() {

    let mut users = get_users();


fn get_users<'a>() -> Vec<User<'a>> {

    let mut addresses = Vec::new();
    let mut users = Vec::new();
    users.push(User {
        reference: "ref".to_string(),
        email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
        addresses: &mut addresses



...and it's causing this error: ......它导致了这个错误:

src/main.rs:26:25: 26:34 error: `addresses` does not live long enough
src/main.rs:26         addresses: &mut addresses
src/main.rs:19:37: 31:2 note: reference must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 19:36...
src/main.rs:19 fn get_users<'a>() -> Vec<User<'a>> {
src/main.rs:21  let mut addresses = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:22     let mut users = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:23     users.push(User {
src/main.rs:24         reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:21:33: 31:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 21:32
src/main.rs:21  let mut addresses = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:22     let mut users = Vec::new();
src/main.rs:23     users.push(User {
src/main.rs:24         reference: "ref".to_string(),
src/main.rs:25         email: "test@test.com".to_string(),
src/main.rs:26         addresses: &mut addresses
error: aborting due to previous error

I know this has been answered before, but I can't find it... feel free to mark this as duplicate if you find it. 我知道以前已经回答了这个问题,但我找不到它...如果你发现它,请随意将其标记为重复。

The problem is that you are attempting to store a reference in a container that will outlive the reference . 问题是您试图将引用存储在容器中,该容器将超过引用 Here's a MCVE of your problem: 这是你问题的MCVE

fn main() {
    let mut things = vec![];
    let a = 42;

Items are dropped in the reverse order they are created, so a is dropped before things . 按照创建它们的相反顺序删除项目,因此在things之前删除a However, things has a reference to a , which means that there would be a point in time where there's a dangling reference, which Rust doesn't allow. 然而, things有一个参考a ,这意味着有一个时间点,有一个悬挂引用,Rust不允许。 Reorder your statements: 重新排序您的陈述:

fn main() {
    let a = 42;
    let mut things = vec![];

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