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[英]jQuery click event search bar

I have a jQuery issue I need help with. 我有一个需要帮助的jQuery问题。

On my WordPress site I'm using a jQuery script for search bar. 在我的WordPress网站上,我正在使用jQuery脚本作为搜索栏。 Currently there is a button and on click it shows up a search bar. 当前有一个按钮,单击它会显示一个搜索栏。 I want that search bar to be visible by default (always). 我希望默认情况下(始终)显示该搜索栏。 So I wouldn't have to click on a button, but instead have my search bar visible all the time. 因此,我不必单击按钮,而是使搜索栏始终可见。

Here is html code: 这是html代码:

<div class="top-search-form">
  <div class="gdl-search-button" id="gdl-search-button"></div> 
  <div class="search-wrapper">
    <div class="gdl-search-form">
      <form method="get" id="searchform" action="<?php  echo home_url(); ?>/">
          $search_val = get_search_query();
          if( empty($search_val) ){
            $search_val = __("Pretraga.." , "gdl_front_end");
        <div class="search-text">
          <input type="text" value="<?php echo $search_val; ?>" name="s" id="s" autocomplete="off" data-default="<?php echo $search_val; ?>" />
        <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="<?php _e("Kreni", "gdl_front_end") ?>" />
        <div class="clear"></div>

And this is jQuery function: 这是jQuery函数:

var search_button = jQuery("#gdl-search-button");
    return false;
jQuery("#gdl-search-button, .search-wrapper").click(function(e){
  if (e.stopPropagation){ e.stopPropagation(); }
  else if(window.event){ window.event.cancelBubble = true; }

Remove the relevant .click event, and display: block the main search bar container in the CSS. 删除相关的.click事件,并display: block在CSS中display: block主搜索栏容器。 (this should be enough to get you there) (这足以让您到达那里)

1.) Remove the jQuery related to search bar show functionality. 1.)删除与搜索栏显示功能相关的jQuery。 (eg. click event( s )). (例如, click事件(S))。

2.) Alter .css file where search elements are display:none; 2.) Alter .css文件,其中display:none;搜索元素display:none; or display:hidden; display:hidden; if a click event is showing them, then mostly likely they are display:none; 如果单击事件显示它们,则很可能display:none;它们display:none; in the css (more code would be beneficial for this reason) . 在CSS中(出于这个原因,更多代码将是有益的) You can comment out the click event for testing by wrapping this at the start <%-- and this at the end --%> 您可以将点击事件注释掉以进行测试,方法是将其包装在<%--开头,并将其包装在--%>末尾

3.) Assure relevant css is now display:block; 3.)确保现在display:block;相关的CSS display:block; after step 2.) (But if you remove none; by default it should display) 在第2步之后。) (但是,如果您未删除任何内容,则默认情况下应显示)

If this doesn't work show full code or create an online demo with an online IDE like jSfiddle . 如果这不起作用,请显示完整代码,或使用jSfiddle之类的在线IDE创建在线演示。 ;) ;)

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