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[英]How can I convert Degree minute sec to Decimal in R?

I have this dataframe: 我有这个数据框:

Lat        Long
59 44 50   151 45 11
59 49 28   154 52 56
59 46 42   150 45 15

How can I convert this into decimal columns? 如何将其转换为十进制列?

lat is in dd mm ss and long is in ddd mm ss lat以dd mm ss为单位,long以ddd mm ss为单位

I found a similar solution here, but couldn't adapt the regex for my case. 我在这里找到了类似的解决方案,但是无法适应我的情况下的正则表达式。

Converting geo coordinates from degree to decimal 将地理坐标从度转换为小数

Try this function: 试试这个功能:

angle2dec <- function(angle) {
  angle <- as.character(angle)
  x <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(angle, split=' '))
  x <- apply(x, 1L, function(y) {
    y <- as.numeric(y)
    y[1] + y[2]/60 + y[3]/3600

Then you can apply it to each column in your data frame: 然后,您可以将其应用于数据框中的每一列:

new_df <- apply(df, 2L, angle2dec)
          Lat     Long
[1,] 59.74722 151.7531
[2,] 59.82444 154.8822
[3,] 59.77833 150.7542

or just 要不就

df$Lat <- angle2dec(df$Lat)
df$Long <- angle2dec(df$Long)

May I suggest the tidyr approach: 我可以建议tidyr方法:

df <- data.frame( Lat=c("59 44 50","59 49 28","59 46 42"),
                 Long=c("151 45 11","154 52 56","150 45 15"))

library(tidyr); library(dplyr)
df %>% 
  separate(Lat, paste("lat",c("d","m","s"), sep="_") ) %>%
  separate(Long, paste("long",c("d","m","s"), sep="_" ) ) %>%
  mutate_each(funs(as.numeric)) %>%
  transmute(lat_dec=lat_d + lat_m/60 + lat_s/60^2,
            long_dec=long_d + long_m/60 + long_s/60^2)

#    lat_dec long_dec
# 1 59.74722 151.7531
# 2 59.82444 154.8822
# 3 59.77833 150.7542

Here's an idea using splitstackshape : 这是一个使用splitstackshape的想法:


df %>% 
  cSplit(c("Lat", "Long"), sep = " ") %>%
  transmute(Lat = Lat_1 + Lat_2 / 60 + Lat_3 / 60^2,
            Long = Long_1 + Long_2 / 60 + Long_3 / 60^2)

Which gives: 这使:

#        Lat     Long
#1: 59.74722 151.7531
#2: 59.82444 154.8822
#3: 59.77833 150.7542

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