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[英]Parse XML using LINQ to XML?

I try to use Linq to parse a XML in C#. 我尝试使用Linq在C#中解析XML。

this is the XML I am parsing: 这是我正在解析的XML:


  <LoanAppRq PaymentCall="True" Personal="True" Type="Finance">

          <Individual Type="Applicant">


              <Address Type="Current">
                <StreetName>alton AVE</StreetName>

              <Address Type="Previous">
                <StreetName>Main Street</StreetName>

and this is my code to parse it: 这是我解析它的代码:

        XElement xelement = XElement.Load(stream);

        IEnumerable<XElement> Credit = xelement.Elements();
        foreach (var item in Credit)

           dt.BORROWERFIRSTNAME = item.Element("LoanApp").Element("LoanAppRq").Element("Applicant").Element("Personal").Element("Individuals").Element("Individual").Element("GivenName").Element("FirstName").Value;
           dt.BORROWERLASTNAME= item.Element("LoanApp").Element("LoanAppRq").Element("Applicant").Element("Personal").Element("Individuals").Element("Individual").Element("GivenName").Element("LastName").Value;

this code give me the Firstname and lastname. 这段代码给了我名字和姓氏。

  1. First of all I wanted to know if this the correct way to parsing or not? 首先,我想知道这是否是解析的正确方法?
  2. second if I want to get Current or previous address how I can get them? 第二,如果我想获得当前地址或以前的地址,该如何获得? Also the previous address may not existed in some situation. 同样,在某些情况下,先前的地址可能不存在。

I have used this website as a reference for learning. 我已将此网站用作学习参考。

http://www.dotnetcurry.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=564 http://www.dotnetcurry.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=564

For deep XML hierarchies like yours without complex namespaces, I prefer XPathSelectElements in the System.Xml.XPath namespace. 对于像您这样的没有复杂名称空间的深层XML层次结构,我更喜欢System.Xml.XPath名称空间中的XPathSelectElements

Assuming that your xelement element has exactly the XML shown in your question, you can do: 假设您的xelement元素具有问题中所显示的XML,则可以执行以下操作:

foreach (var individual in xelement.XPathSelectElements("LoanApp/LoanAppRq/Applicant/Personal/Individuals/Individual"))
    // Get the first and last name.
    var BORROWERFIRSTNAME = (string)individual.XPathSelectElement("GivenName/FirstName");
    var BORROWERLASTNAME = (string)individual.XPathSelectElement("GivenName/LastName");

    // Get the XElement for the current address.
    var currentAddress = individual.XPathSelectElements("ContactInfo/Address[@Type='Current']")
    // Extract its properties, checking for a missing current address if necessary.
    var currentZip = (currentAddress == null ? null : (string)currentAddress.Element("Zip"));

    // Get the XElement for the previous address.
    var previousAddress = individual.XPathSelectElements("ContactInfo/Address[@Type='Previous']")
    // Extract its properties, checking for a missing previous address if necessary.
    var previousZip = (previousAddress == null ? null : (string)previousAddress.Element("Zip"));

    // Process the borrower names and addresses as required.

The equivalent in pure Linq to XML is: 从Linq到XML的等效项是:

foreach (var individual in xelement.Elements("LoanApp")
    // Get the first and last name.
    var BORROWERFIRSTNAME = (string)individual.Elements("GivenName")
    var BORROWERLASTNAME = (string)individual.Elements("GivenName")

    // Get the XElement for the current address.
    var currentAddress = individual.Elements("ContactInfo").Elements("Address").Where(e => (string)e.Attribute("Type") == "Current").FirstOrDefault();
    // Extract its properties, checking for a missing current address if necessary.
    var currentZip = (currentAddress == null ? null : (string)currentAddress.Element("Zip"));

    // Get the XElement for the previous address.
    var previousAddress = individual.Elements("ContactInfo").Elements("Address").Where(e => (string)e.Attribute("Type") == "Previous").FirstOrDefault();
    // Extract its properties, checking for a missing previous address if necessary.
    var previousZip = (previousAddress == null ? null : (string)previousAddress.Element("Zip"));

    // Process the borrower names and addresses as required.

As you can see, it looks a bit more complicated. 如您所见,它看起来有点复杂。

use Descendant() and Descendants() instead 使用Descendant()Descendants()代替

foreach (var item in Credit)
    dt.BORROWERFIRSTNAME = item.Descendant("FirstName").Value;
    dt.BORROWERLASTNAME= item.Descendant("LastName").Value;

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