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[英]Adding elements to Struct Array

char generation[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];
int hasCycle;

typedef struct GENERATIONS Generation;

I have an array of type struct: 我有一个struct类型的数组:

Generation generations[MAX_GENERATIONS];

I declare a Generation variable like this: 我这样声明一个Generation变量:

Generation *currentGeneration = NULL;
currentGeneration = (Generation *) malloc(sizeof(Generation));

and attempt to add a generation to an array of generations: numGenerations is set to 0 then incremented via a loop. 并尝试将世代添加到世代数组中:numGenerations设置为0,然后通过循环递增。

generations[numGenerations] = currentGeneration;

Yet each time, I get the error incompatible types when assigning to type 'Generation' from type 'struct Generation *. 但是每次从类型'struct Generation *'分配给'Generation'类型时,都会得到错误的不兼容类型。 I understand this has to do with pointers which I do not understand but need. 我了解这与我不了解但需要的指针有关。

Why is it that when I declare the array as: 为什么当我将数组声明为:

Generation *generations[MAX_GENERATIONS];

Everything suddenly works? 一切突然正常吗?

Each currentGeneration is a pointer to a Generation . 每个currentGeneration都是一个Generation的指针。 Yet when you declare an array Generation generations[MAX_GENERATIONS] it expects each index to be a Generation , not a pointer to one. 但是,当您声明数组Generation generations[MAX_GENERATIONS]它希望每个索引都是 Generation ,而不是指向一个的指针。 But when you declare the array as Generation *generations[MAX_GENERATIONS] it expects each index to be a pointer to a Generation , which is what you are assigning to each index. 但是,当您将数组声明为Generation *generations[MAX_GENERATIONS]它希望每个索引都是一个指向Generation的指针,这就是您要分配给每个索引的内容。

The error is telling you exactly what's wrong. 该错误告诉您确切的问题所在。 Your variable currentGeneration is of type "pointer to Generation", and your variable generations is of type "array of Generation". 您的变量currentGeneration类型为“指向世代的指针”,而变量generations的类型为“世代数组”。 You can't assign a pointer to Generation to an index of an array of Generation--you can only assign a Generation. 您不能将指向Generation的指针分配给Generation数组的索引-您只能分配Generation。

When you declare the array as Generation *generations[MAX_GENERATIONS] , everything works because you're assigning a pointer to Generation to an index of an array of pointers to Generation. 当您将数组声明为Generation *generations[MAX_GENERATIONS] ,一切都会正常,因为您正在将指向Generation的指针分配给Generation指针数组的索引。

To solve this problem, you can proceed in a different way. 要解决此问题,可以采用其他方式进行。 What you can do is this 你能做的就是这个

#define MAX_GENERATIONS 1024 // you can take some other value too
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static int count = 0

Generation** push(Generation** generations, Generation obj){
 if (count == MAX_GENERATIONS){
   printf("Maximum limit reached\n");
   return generations;

 if ( count == 1 )
   generations = (Generation**)malloc(sizeof(Generation*) * count);
   generations = (Generation**)realloc(generations, sizeof(Generation*) * count);

 generations[count - 1] = (Generation*)malloc(sizeof(Generation));
 generations[count - 1] = obj;

 return generations;

int main(){
  Generation** generations = NULL;
  Generation currentGeneration;
  // Scan the the elements into currentGeneration
  generations = push(generations, currentGeneration); // You can use it in a loop

currentGeneration is a Generation * , not a Generation . currentGenerationGeneration * ,不是Generation

You need an array of Generation * to hold it, not an array of Generation . 您需要一个Generation *数组来保存它,而不是Generation数组。

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