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[英]C# - How to hash MD5 for more than one file at the same time?

I am trying to make an MD5 hasher and with the help of online tutorials I managed to make something that works. 我正在尝试制作MD5散列器,并在在线教程的帮助下设法做出了一些有用的事情。 However, I can't figure out how to make the code work for more than just one file. 但是,我无法弄清楚如何使代码能用于多个文件。

        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        string filePath = e.Argument.ToString();

        byte[] buffer;
        int bytesRead;
        long size;
        long totalBytesRead = 0;

        using (Stream file = File.OpenRead(filePath))
            size = file.Length;

            using (HashAlgorithm hasher = MD5.Create())
                    buffer = new byte[4096];

                    bytesRead = file.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;

                    hasher.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, bytesRead, null, 0);

                    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress((int)((double)totalBytesRead / size * 100));
                while (bytesRead != 0);

                hasher.TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, 0);

                e.Result = MakeHashString(hasher.Hash);
    private static string MakeHashString(byte[] hashBytes)
       StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder(32);

        foreach (byte b in hashBytes)

        return hash.ToString();



If you are attempting to hash multiple files concurrently (via threads), you should take a look at the System.Threading.Tasks namespace, a part of the Task Parallel Library addition to the .NET Framework - specifically Parallel.ForEach . 如果尝试同时(通过线程)对多个文件进行哈希处理,则应查看System.Threading.Tasks命名空间,它是.NET Framework任务并行库的一部分,特别是Parallel.ForEach

Microsoft provides a good example of how to work with multiple files concurrently via How to: Write a Simple Parallel.ForEach Loop available via MSDN. Microsoft提供了一个很好的示例,说明如何通过“ 如何:编写简单的Parallel.ForEach循环”(可通过MSDN获得)并发处理多个文件。 You can create an event handler to pass the results of the MD5 hash calculation when each finishes. 您可以创建一个事件处理程序,以在每次完成时传递MD5哈希计算的结果。

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