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jQuery插件Cloud Zoom

[英]Jquery plugin Cloud Zoom

I am using Jquery plugin cloud zoom v1.0.2 and when I do, right click -> View background image in firefox, I get Kohana (framework) error. 我正在使用Jquery插件云缩放v1.0.2,当我这样做时,右键单击->在firefox中查看背景图像,出现Kohana(框架)错误。 During inspection, I came across following snippet of code 在检查期间,我遇到了以下代码片段

<div class="mousetrap" style="background-image: url("."); z-index: 999; position: absolute; width: 380px; height: 283px; left: 0px; top: 0px; cursor: move;"></div>

So, "." 因此,“。” is creating problem because when I delete it from Firebug, the error disappears. 造成了问题,因为当我从Firebug中删除它时,错误消失了。 Since, I don't have this code in my source code, hence, I am wondering how should I fix this. 由于我的源代码中没有此代码,因此,我想知道如何解决此问题。 Following is the snippet of my code from source code file. 以下是我的源代码文件中的代码段。

<a href='<?php echo $orgpic->getImageForWeb('original'); ?>' class = 'cloud-zoom' id='zoom1' rel="adjustX: 1, adjustY:-1">
                            <img border="0" src="<?php echo $orgpic->getImageForWeb('original'); ?>" border="1" width="380px" title="Zoomed Image">

To fix this bug, I have just overwritten the background image path on top of source code file. 要修复此错误,我刚刚覆盖了源代码文件顶部的背景图像路径。

            background-image: url('') !important;

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