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[英]What is Concurrent Invocations in Profiling/Monitoring

As per Wily Introscope, It is : Invocations are requests handled by the application and its various parts; concurrent invocations are the requests being handled at a given time. A low Concurrent Invocations value is desirable.根据 Wily Introscope,它是: Invocations are requests handled by the application and its various parts; concurrent invocations are the requests being handled at a given time. A low Concurrent Invocations value is desirable. Invocations are requests handled by the application and its various parts; concurrent invocations are the requests being handled at a given time. A low Concurrent Invocations value is desirable.

Can someone please explain with an example for the use of this metric in performance testing?有人可以用一个例子来解释在性能测试中使用这个指标吗? Why is low Concurrent Invocations value is desirable?为什么低并发调用值是可取的?

This is Concurrent Invocation chart from Introscope.这是来自 Introscope 的Concurrent Invocation图表。 What kind of issue does it indicate?它说明什么样的问题?


Devoid of more details, a general answer:没有更多细节,一般答案:

Concurrent Invocations of a method or thread likely refers to the number of invocations that are currently active.方法或线程的并发调用可能是指当前处于活动状态的调用数量。 For any highly parallel system like a high use web page for instance, concurrent invocations are by design.例如,对于任何高度并行的系统(例如使用率很高的网页),并发调用是设计使然。 However, if you have efficient methods, you expect them to exit quickly, so even if you see a high incoming rate of requests, there aren't that many invocations active at any given time.但是,如果您有高效的方法,您希望它们能够快速退出,因此即使您看到请求的传入率很高,在任何给定时间也没有那么多的调用处于活动状态。 This is desirable because fewer active instances keep fewer resources locked up.这是可取的,因为较少的活动实例保持较少的资源锁定。

If you have long running methods, it goes without saying that you will have a much higher number of active concurrent invocations.如果您有长时间运行的方法,不用说您将拥有更多的活动并发调用。 As requests keep pouring in, this number keeps going up, and each instance locks up a little bit of resources - like CPU, memory or connections from a pool.随着请求不断涌入,这个数字不断上升,每个实例都会锁定一点资源——比如 CPU、内存或池中的连接。 Resources unfortunately tend to be finite.不幸的是,资源往往是有限的。 A high number of active invocations limits how many newer requests you're able to accept, as well as slows down everything that is currently active - a traffic jam of sorts.大量的活动调用限制了您能够接受的新请求的数量,并减慢当前活动的所有内容 - 各种交通堵塞。

Just by itself high invocations doesn't necessarily indicate a problem.高调用本身并不一定表明存在问题。 If just by the nature of the problem you're tackling, certain method just takes a long time to complete, you have to accept the fact that your concurrent invocations will be high.如果仅仅根据您要解决的问题的性质,某些方法只是需要很长时间才能完成,那么您必须接受并发调用会很高的事实。

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