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[英]Null value when passing value from ajax to MVC controller

I have a value that I want to pass to MVC action, 我有一个要传递给MVC操作的值,

here is the JS side 这是JS面

function functionName(Name) {
            url: "/Home/GetName",
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",  
                Name: Name
            success: function (mydata) {

        return false;

and here is my action 这是我的行动

public JsonResult GetName(string Name)
       return Json(new { oid = Name});

Noting that I successfully print the value "Name" before I send it to the action, but the action is receiving it as a "null" 请注意,在将值“名称”发送给操作之前,我已经成功打印了该值,但操作将其接收为“空”

Stephen "in the comments" is correct the solution is changing this 斯蒂芬“在评论中”是正确的解决方案正在改变这一点

                Name: Name


data: { Name: Name } 

Try by adding 尝试添加

contentType: "application/json"

as belove 作为爱人

 function functionName(Name) {
        url: "/Home/GetName",
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "json",  
        contentType: "application/json",
            Name: Name
        success: function (mydata) {

    return false;

Hope this will help you, :) 希望这个能对您有所帮助, :)

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