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[英]PHP: PDO Query returns no results, but the same query returns 4 results in phpmyadmin?

I have written a query to return all comments for a post, excluding blocked users from that post. 我写了一个查询以返回该帖子的所有评论,但不包括该帖子中被阻止的用户。 I have tested the query in phpmyadmin and I get 4/5 possible comments back for the given post (where 1 user is blocked). 我已经在phpmyadmin中测试了查询,对于给定的帖子(其中1个用户被阻止),我得到了4/5条可能的评论。

The query looks like: 查询看起来像:

$query = "SELECT ent.Entity_Id, ent.Profile_Pic_Url, ent.First_Name, ent.Last_Name, ent.Last_CheckIn_Place, comments.Content
          FROM   checkin_comments AS comments
          JOIN   entity AS ent
          ON     comments.Entity_Id = ent.Entity_Id
          LEFT JOIN friends AS f
          ON     ent.Entity_Id = :entityId
          WHERE  comments.Chk_Id = :checkInId
          AND    f.Category != 4
          GROUP BY comments.Comment_Id

// Bind the parameters to the query
$data = Array(":checkInId" => (int)$checkInId, ":entityId" => (int)$userId);

If I run the query on phpmyadmin with the values 1726 for checkinId and 1517 for userId I get the expected outcome, however in PHP I get 0 results. 如果我在phpmyadmin上运行查询,其中checkinId值为1726 ,userId值为1517 ,则得到预期的结果,但是在PHP中,我得到0个结果。 I used var_dump to print the contents of data and it shows as: 我使用var_dump来打印数据的内容,它显示为:

array(2) {

Why am I experiencing different results in PHP? 为什么我在PHP中遇到不同的结果? All my other queries run fine 我所有其他查询运行正常

EDIT If I swap the bind variables for number values the query works fine, which leads me to believe this is a problem with PDO binding the values to the query. 编辑如果我将绑定变量交换为数字值,则查询工作正常,这使我认为这是PDO将值绑定到查询的问题。 When I perform the bind I use my PDO wrapper class which executes the following methods: 当执行绑定时,我使用我的PDO包装器类,该类执行以下方法:

public function fetchAll($query, $data = null)
    $stmt = $this->prepareQuery($query, $data);
    return  $stmt->fetchAll();

private function prepareQuery($query, $data = null)
    $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
    return $stmt;

Does this scream the answer to any more experienced users of PDO? 这是否会给更多经验丰富的PDO用户带来答案?

I think you were not including the params in single quotes. 我认为您没有在单引号中包含参数。 Try this code 试试这个代码

$query = "SELECT `ent`.`Entity_Id`, `ent`.`Profile_Pic_Url`, `ent`.`First_Name`, `ent`.`Last_Name`, `ent`.`Last_CheckIn_Place`, `comments`.`Content`
      FROM   `checkin_comments` AS `comments`
      JOIN   `entity` AS `ent`
      ON     `comments`.`Entity_Id` = `ent`.`Entity_Id`
      LEFT JOIN `friends` AS `f`
      ON     `ent`.`Entity_Id` = ':entityId'
      WHERE  `comments`.`Chk_Id` = ':checkInId'
      AND    `f`.`Category` != 4
      GROUP BY `comments`.`Comment_Id`

// Bind the parameters to the query
$data = Array(":checkInId" => (int)$checkInId, ":entityId" => (int)$userId);

I hope this will help. 我希望这将有所帮助。

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