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[英]Jsoup parsing stuck in inifinite loop

I am using Jsoup to parse some web retrieved pages. 我正在使用Jsoup解析一些Web检索的页面。 For some reasons Jsoup gets into an infinite loop when trying to parse the content at http://higherperspectives.com/keanu-reeves-life/ 由于某些原因,Jsoup在尝试解析http://higherperspectives.com/keanu-reeves-life/上的内容时陷入无限循环

Here is the code used: 这是使用的代码:

Document document = Jsoup.connect(searchResult.get("link"))
            .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.69 Safari/537.36")

Elements classElements = document.select("*:containsOwn(${owlSearchTerm.get("class")})");
Elements relationElements = document.select("*:containsOwn(${owlSearchTerm.get("relation")})");
Elements individualElements = document.select("*:containsOwn(${owlSearchTerm.get("individual")})");

The connect method never ends. connect方法永无止境。 The connection is successfully established but I guess the problem appears when Jsoup creates the Document object. 连接已成功建立,但我想Jsoup创建Document对象时出现问题。

Is there a way to skip a situation like this? 有没有办法跳过这种情况?

I dont really understand why you are using the maxBodySize(0) option. 我真的不明白为什么您要使用maxBodySize(0)选项。 I 've tried it without it and it runs fine and returns the Document. 我尝试了没有它的情况,它运行良好并返回了Document。

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