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[英]Java way to create an object based on enum type

My class is like this: 我的课是这样的:

class X {}
class Y extends X {};
class Z extends X {};

I have an enum for each subclass (id + class): 我为每个子类(id +类)都有一个枚举:

enum Type {
   Y_TYPE(1, Y.class), Z_TYPE(2, Z.class);
   int id;
   Class c;
   public Type(int id, Class c) { this.id = id; this.c = c; }
   public static X createInstance() throws Exception {
      return c.newInstance();

Then I used them as follows: 然后我按如下方式使用它们:

X parseFromID(int id) {
   for (Type v : Type.values()) {
     if (v.id == id) {
        return v.createInstance();

It works fine but I'm wondering if this a Java-ist way to create data based on integer id ? 它工作正常,但我想知道这是一种基于Java的方法来基于整数id创建数据吗? Is there any bad thing that should look for ? 有什么不好的事情应该寻找吗?

Is there a way to enforce the class that is passed into are of X type without lengthy if-else condition? 有没有一种方法可以强制传入X类型的类而无需冗长的if-else条件? Think when I have a large number of subclasses. 想一想当我有大量的子类时。

Why do you want to work on integer ids? 为什么要使用整数ID?

I'm writing some sort of parser, so I need to convert integer id that I've taken from somewhere to the appropriate object. 我正在编写某种解析器,因此需要将我从某处获取的整数id转换为适当的对象。

There is really no reason to use reflection here. 确实没有理由在这里使用反射。 Throwing Exception is also a bad practice, and if you didn't use reflection, you wouldn't have to deal with reflection exceptions. 抛出异常也是一种不好的做法,并且如果您不使用反射,则不必处理反射异常。 You could simply do 你可以做

enum Type {
    Y_TYPE(1) {
        public X createInstance() {
            return new Y();
    }, Z_TYPE(2) {
        public X createInstance() {
            return new Z();

    private int id;

    private Type(int id) { 
        this.id = id; 

    public abstract X createInstance();

This is also helpful because it doesn't force every subclass to have a public no-arg constructor, and also allows returning the same instance of X or Y, if possible. 这也很有帮助,因为它不会强制每个子类都具有公共的无参数构造函数,并且如果可能的话,还允许返回相同的X或Y实例。

If you're concerned about the verbosity of the anonymous class definitions, you could replace them with lambdas, if you're using Java 8: 如果您担心匿名类定义的冗长性,那么如果使用的是Java 8,则可以用lambda替换它们:

import java.util.function.Supplier;

enum Type {
    Y_TYPE(1, X::new), Z_TYPE(2, Y::new);

    private int id;
    private Supplier<X> supplier;

    private Type(int id, Supplier<X> supplier) {
        this.id = id;
        this.supplier = supplier;

    public X createInstance() {
        return supplier.get();

Using a factory and a map is more academic: 使用工厂和地图更具学术性:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

interface Factory<T> {

    T createInstance();

class X {/**/}
class Y extends X {/**/}
class Z extends X {/**/}

class Factories {

   static Map<Integer, Factory<?>> factories = new HashMap<>();
   static {
      factories.put( 1, X::new );
      factories.put( 2, Y::new );
      factories.put( 3, Z::new );

   static <T> Factory<T> get( int id ) {
      return (Factory<T>)factories.get( id );

public class Main {

   static void main( String[] args ) {
      final Factory<X> fx = Factories.get( 1 );
      final X x = fx.createInstance();
      final Factory<Y> fy = Factories.get( 2 );
      final Y y = fy.createInstance();
      final Factory<Z> fz = Factories.get( 3 );
      final Z z = fz.createInstance();

Is there a way to enforce the class that is passed into are of X type without lengthy if-else condition? 有没有一种方法可以强制传入X类型的类而无需冗长的if-else条件?

Yes, you can use generics to restrict the class. 是的,您可以使用泛型来限制类。 Change the constructor to: 将构造函数更改为:

public Type(int id, Class<? extends X> c) { this.id = id; this.c = c; }

Why do you want to work on integer ids? 为什么要使用整数ID? You can use either the enum values directly or - if you need to transfer or store them - their string representation and parse the String if needed using the enum's valueOf method. 您可以直接使用枚举值,也可以(如果需要传输或存储它们)使用它们的字符串表示形式,并在需要时使用枚举的valueOf方法解析String。

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