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在MSVC 2010中使用八度

[英]Use Octave in msvc 2010

I am using Octave within MSVC 2010. First I downloaded Octave latest version at this link . 我在MSVC 2010中使用Octave。首先,我通过此链接下载了Octave最新版本。 After installing, I tried to run this simple code: 安装后,我尝试运行以下简单代码:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main (void)
  std::cout << "Hello Octave world!\n";   

  return 0;

Note that I added these links to my project as well: 请注意,我也将这些链接添加到了我的项目中:

  1. C:\\Software\\Octave-3.6.4\\include\\octave-3.6.4\\octave--->Includ. C:\\ Software \\ Octave-3.6.4 \\ include \\ octave-3.6.4 \\ octave --->包括。 Dir., 先生
  2. C:\\Software\\Octave-3.6.4\\include--->Includ. C:\\ Software \\ Octave-3.6.4 \\ include ---> Includ。 Dir. 先生
  3. C:\\Software\\Octave-3.6.4\\lib--->Lib. C:\\ Software \\ Octave-3.6.4 \\ lib ---> Lib。 Dir. 先生
  4. C:\\Software\\Octave-3.6.4\\lib\\octave\\3.6.4--->Lib Dir. C:\\ Software \\ Octave-3.6.4 \\ lib \\ octave \\ 3.6.4 --->库目录。
  5. I also added 1 and 2 to Additional Inc Dir!! 我还添加了1和2到Additional Inc Dir!
  6. C:\\Software\\Octave-3.6.4\\lib\\octave\\3.6.4--->Additional Lib. C:\\ Software \\ Octave-3.6.4 \\ lib \\ octave \\ 3.6.4 --->其他库 Dir in Linker. 链接器中的目录。

First, I got this error that it cannot find math.h in Program Files while this file was in my Program Files (x86). 首先,我收到一个错误消息,当该文件位于我的程序文件(x86)中时,它无法在程序文件中找到math.h。 So, I changed it to: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\include\\math.h and it solved this error. 因此,我将其更改为:C:\\ Program Files(x86)\\ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \\ VC \\ include \\ math.h,它解决了此错误。 However, now I get this error: 但是,现在出现此错误:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall octave_value::~octave_value(void)" (__imp_??1octave_value@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void * __thiscall octave_value::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_Eoctave_value@@QAEPAXI@Z)

It is not sufficient to add the library path to the project. 仅将库路径添加到项目中是不够的。

You have to add the library name(s) (including .lib ) to the "Additional Dependencies" in the Linker/Input tab. 您必须将库名称(包括.lib )添加到“链接器/输入”选项卡中的“其他依赖项”。

Edit 编辑

To verify what library has been searched you can enable the Linker/General/Show Progress option. 要验证已搜索的库,可以启用“链接器/常规/显示进度”选项。 Then you can see in the Build Output what library has actually be used in symbol search. 然后,您可以在Build Output中看到在符号搜索中实际使用了哪个库。

Edit 编辑

Your example code doesn't show any instance of an array of octave_value instances. 您的示例代码未显示octave_value实例数组的octave_value实例。 So it's a bit surprising that you need to link with any library with the code you've shown. 因此,您需要使用显示的代码与任何库链接,这有点令人惊讶。 But anyway you want to have these externals resolved. 但是无论如何,您都希望解决这些外部问题。

If there is no other resource (manual, ...) you should detect where the octave_value class is implemented. 如果没有其他资源(手册,...),则应检测在哪里实现了octave_value类。 This can be a static library or a DLL. 这可以是静态库或DLL。

You can detect the DLL implementation with a dumpbin /exports on the DLLs. 您可以使用DLL上的dumpbin /exports来检测DLL实现。 In that case you need the corresponding import libraries. 在这种情况下,您需要相应的导入库。 The LIB should have the same base name as the DLL. LIB应该具有与DLL相同的基本名称。 Verify that you have added that dependency and how the linker searches this library for symbols. 验证您是否已添加该依赖性以及链接程序如何在此库中搜索符号。

The name of the symbols __imp_??1octave_value@@QAE@XZ indicates that it should be in a DLL. 符号__imp_??1octave_value@@QAE@XZ表示它应该在DLL中。 But since you have a problem you might want to search LIBs too. 但是由于您有问题,您可能也要搜索LIB。 You can detect the LIB implementation with a dumpbin /symbols . 您可以使用dumpbin /symbols检测LIB实现。 In that case you have to add the LIB directly. 在这种情况下,您必须直接添加LIB。 Again verify it with the Build Output. 再次使用“构建输出”进行验证。

The dumpbin output will probably very verbose. dumpbin输出可能非常详细。 You should use either findstr to limit the output or redirect the output to a file and search the symbols with an editor of your choice. 您应该使用findstr来限制输出或将输出重定向到文件,然后使用您选择的编辑器搜索符号。

Search for ocatave_value . 搜索ocatave_value If you find a different decoration of the constructor and destructor you might have missed to set an option. 如果您发现构造函数和析构函数的装饰不同,则可能会错过设置选项的机会。 A preprocessore directory could be used to define how the library is use. 预处理程序目录可用于定义库的使用方式。 Eg if you find octave_value::octave_value without the __imp_ prefix you have accidentily compiled for a DLL version altough the class is implemented in a static library. 例如,如果您发现不带__imp_前缀的octave_value::octave_value ,则意外地为DLL版本编译了该类,而该类是在静态库中实现的。 In that case, read the manual and ask at the octave mailing list forum or whatever. 在这种情况下,请阅读手册,并在八度邮件列表论坛中询问问题。

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