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[英]PHP Displaying site visits in a line graph VIA Morris.js

I was following this tutorial: Codediesel trying to create a line graph that will show the amount of views per day on a certain page of my website. 我正在学习本教程: Codediesel试图创建一个折线图,该折线图将显示我网站的特定页面上每天的浏览量。 I have a database set up like: 我有一个像这样的数据库设置:

CREATE TABLE `pageviews` ( 
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 
    `date` date NOT NULL, 
    `views` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 

I have data in the table, 3 days, the data looks like the following: 我的表格中有数据,为期3天,数据如下所示:

array(3) { 
    [0]=> array(3) { 
        ["id"]=> int(3) 
        ["date"]=> string(10) "2015-06-19" 
        ["views"]=> int(49) 
    [1]=> array(3) { 
        ["id"]=> int(2) 
        ["date"]=> string(10) "2015-06-18" 
        ["views"]=> int(103) 
    [2]=> array(3) { 
        ["id"]=> int(1) 
        ["date"]=> string(10) "2015-06-17" 
        ["views"]=> int(18) 

My problem is that the page gives me no Graph, the console produces two errors: 我的问题是页面没有显示任何图形,控制台产生两个错误:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined

Uncaught Error: Graph container element not found

My morris javascript looks like this when rendered by the page: 当页面呈现时,我的morris javascript看起来像这样:

    element: 'morris-line-chart',
    data: [{"id":3,"date":"2015-06-19","views":49},{"id":2,"date":"2015-06-18","views":103},{"id":1,"date":"2015-06-17","views":18}],
    xkey: 'cron_time',
    ykeys: ['Page Views'],
    labels: ['Page Views'],
    lineColors: ['#0b62a4'],
    xLabels: 'Date',
    smooth: true,
    resize: true

without the rendering it looks like: 没有渲染,它看起来像:

<div id="morris-line-chart">
    $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=**********;charset=utf8', '*********', '********'); 
    $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM pageviews ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 15");
    $row = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            element: 'morris-line-chart',
            data: <?php echo json_encode($row);?>,
            xkey: 'cron_time',
            ykeys: ['Page Views'],
            labels: ['Page Views'],
            lineColors: ['#0b62a4'],
            xLabels: 'Date',
            smooth: true,
            resize: true

I was not sure exactly where to put the php and , when I copied the code into here I had it between the tags but I have placed it above and below as well to try and rule out other possibilities. 我不确定确切将php和放在哪里,当我将代码复制到此处时,我将其放在标签之间,但我也将其放在上下,以尝试排除其他可能性。 Is there anything you see that can help me get this working. 你有什么可以帮助我解决这个问题的。 I feel as though I am close but I can't quite find the last few errors. 我感觉好像已经接近了,但是我找不到最后几个错误。 I am trying to provide as much code and detail as possible, if there is something you'd like to see that I am forgetting please let me know. 我正在尝试提供尽可能多的代码和详细信息,如果您希望看到一些我忘记的东西,请告诉我。

***EDIT: ***编辑:

I fixed the issue, I needed to change my xkey and ykey for it to work, all works now! 我已解决此问题,我需要更改其xkey和ykey才能使其正常工作,现在一切正常!


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