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[英]How to create a composite primary with JPA (or Hibernate) annotations

I got this problem which is a very common problem and I decided to share the resolution here. 我遇到了一个非常普遍的问题,因此我决定在此分享解决方案。

The Problem: I have a composite primary key in one of my tables. 问题:我的一个表中有一个复合主键。 I need to map this with JPA annotations. 我需要使用JPA注释对此进行映射。

My POJO1: 我的POJO1:

public class Alarm {

    private String id;

    private String desc;

    @JoinColumn(name = "alm_norm_id")
    private Alarm normAlarm; 

    //getters and setters

My POJO2: 我的POJO2:

public class Equipment {

    private String id;

    private String fixedAsset;

    private String serviceTag;

    //getters and setters


So I have a table which the primary key is an Equipment + Alarm and I need to map that. 因此,我有一个表,其主键是“ Equipment + Alarm ,我需要对其进行映射。

I didn't want to create a separate class just for handle the primary key with @IdClass annotation. 我不想创建一个单独的类仅用于处理带有@IdClass批注的主键。 So I decided to use @EmbeddedId and @Embeddable annotations instead. 所以我决定改用@EmbeddedId@Embeddable注解。 The result was: 结果是:

public class Counter {

    private CounterId id;

    private int counter = 1;

    private Date resetDate;

    public Counter(){}

    public Counter(CounterId id) {
        this.id = id;

    //Getters and Setters


    //Embeddable class for handling primary key
    public class CounterId implements Serializable{

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private Alarm alarm;

        private Equipment equipment;

        //Default Constructor
        public CounterId(){}

        //Constructor with fields
        public CounterId(Alarm alarm, Equipment equipment) {
            this.alarm = alarm;
            this.equipment = equipment;

        //Getters and Setters

I still needed to handle this object for persist it with hibernate. 我仍然需要处理该对象以使其保持休眠状态。 So I made the following: 所以我做了以下事情:

Alarm al = alarmService.get(alarm);                 //Retrieve an Alarm object
Equipment eq = equipmentService.get(equipment);     //Retrieve an Equipment object

Counter ct = new Counter();                         //Instantiates a Counter object
CounterId cId = ct.new CounterId(alarm, equipment); //Instantiates a CounterId object (composite primary key for Counter)

ct.setId(cId);                                      //Sets the primary key (CounterId)

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