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10 秒后停止进度条 | CPU % 80

[英]Stop Progress Bar After 10 seconds | CPU % 80

I have a progress bar and I increase its value 0 to 100% in 10 seconds.我有一个进度条,我在 10 秒内将其值从 0 增加到 100%。 I want to stop every process after 10 seconds.我想在 10 秒后停止每个进程。 But when I uncomment below code my cpu going to nearly 80% - 90%.但是当我取消注释下面的代码时,我的 cpu 将接近 80% - 90%。 I think after 100% it still works.我认为在 100% 之后它仍然有效。

var start = new Date();
    var maxTime = 10000;
    var maxTimeSec = 10;
    var timeoutVal = Math.floor( maxTime/100 );

    function updateProgress(percentage, second) {
        $('#timerProgress').css("width", percentage + "%");
        $('#timerCountdown').text(percentage + "%" + second + "sec");

    function isLogined(){
        userId = $("#userInfo").attr("data-user") ;
        userId = parseInt(userId);
        var logined = false;
        if(userId > 0){
            logined = true;
        return logined;

    function animateUpdate() {
        var now      = new Date();
        var timeDiff = now.getTime() - start.getTime();

        var sec      = maxTimeSec - Math.round( (timeDiff/maxTime) * maxTimeSec );
        var perc     = Math.round( (timeDiff/maxTime)*100);
        if (perc <= 100) {
            updateProgress(perc, sec);
            setTimeout(animateUpdate, timeoutVal);

            var bottomDiv = $('#bottomDiv');
            if( isLogined() ){
                bottomDiv.text("Congratulations. You're lucky to read this article. We've updated your score.");

                bottomDiv.text("Congratulations. You're lucky to read this article. If want to count your score you must login :)");

            return true;

Is there a bug in this code?这段代码有bug吗?

Could not reproduce:无法重现:

https://jsfiddle.net/7jgLLvfz/ https://jsfiddle.net/7jgLLvfz/

Chrome CPU profile shows 96% idle, no heavy CPU load. Chrome CPU 配置文件显示 96% 空闲,没有沉重的 CPU 负载。 Need more information.需要更多信息。

var a = "Manditory codeblock so jsfiddle can be linked"

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