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[英]Hide or Display an Item with Angular or Jquery?

i am using mvc. 我正在使用MVC。 I have model and i take data from model to view with this code: 我有模型,我使用以下代码从模型中获取数据:

   <li id="geri"><<</li>

   @foreach (var item in Model.Skills)
      <li id="@String.Format("{0}{1}", "skill", item.SkillId)">

   <li id="ileri" style="margin-right: 0;">>></li>

After first 4 items, they should be hidden (display:none). 在前四个项目之后,应将其隐藏(显示:无)。 I searched angular and find ng-show attribute but cannot find how to use. 我搜索了angular并找到了ng-show属性,但是找不到如何使用。 Now my website looks like: 现在我的网站看起来像:

It should be one line and when i pressed next button, first item will hide and 5th item will show. 它应该是一行,当我按下下一步按钮时,第一项将隐藏,而第五项将显示。

I hope i can explain myself, thanks 我希望我能解释自己,谢谢

In Angular your HTML should be something like this to display only the first 4 items <li> , where items is your $scope.items : 在Angular中,您的HTML应该是这样的,以仅显示前4个项目<li> ,其中items是您的$scope.items

   <li id="geri"><<</li>
   <li ng-repeat="(key, item) in items" ng-show="key <= 3">{{item.SkillName}}</li>
   <li id="ileri" style="margin-right: 0;">>></li>

JSFiddle here JSFiddle在这里

In Angular, try to use limitTo and offset filters. 在Angular中,尝试使用limitTooffset过滤器。

Here's the Jsfiddle link . 这是Jsfiddle链接

AngularJS sample codes: AngularJS示例代码:


<div ng-app="myApp">
    <ul ng-controller="YourCtrl">
       <li ng-click="previousSkills()"><<</li>
       <li ng-repeat="skill in skills | offset: currentPage * 4 | limitTo: 4">
       <li ng-click="nextSkills()">>></li>

AngularJS Controller : AngularJS控制器

'use strict';

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('YourCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

    $scope.currentPage = 0;

    $scope.skills = [
        {SkillName:'Web Forms'},
        {SkillName:'Web API'},

    $scope.previousSkills = function() {
       $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPage - 1;

    $scope.nextSkills = function() {
       $scope.currentPage = $scope.currentPage + 1;

app.filter('offset', function() {
  return function(input, start) {
    start = parseInt(start, 10);
    return input.slice(start);

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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