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[英]Updating MySQL Database with ajax

I'm trying to send a JS array to a .php file on the click of a button, and run the php file's code on the click, using the array that was sent. 我试图通过单击按钮将JS数组发送到.php文件,并使用发送的数组在单击时运行php文件的代码。

I have a button: 我有一个按钮:

<button id="submit" class="button1" >Submit<span></span></button>

Which I try to run this JS ajax with: 我尝试使用以下命令运行此JS ajax:

$('#submit').click(function() {
    method: "POST",
    url: "submit.php",
    data: selectedImageArray
  }).done(function( msg ) {
    alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

In my submit.php file, I connect to the database, then have this: 在我的Submit.php文件中,我连接到数据库,然后执行以下操作:

    $array = $_POST['selectedImageArray'];

    $sql = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO pending_trades (steam_id, trade_items, is_giving, is_receiving, has_started) VALUES (:steamid, :itemlist, '1', '0', '0')");

    $sql->bindParam(':steamid', $steamprofile['steamid']);
    $sql->bindParam(':itemlist', $array);



When I click the "submit" button, I get the message saying "Data saved", but nothing is happening with my database. 当我单击“提交”按钮时,出现消息“数据已保存”,但是数据库没有任何反应。 Should clicking the button run the submit.php code? 是否应该单击按钮运行Submit.php代码?

You have a syntax error with your JS. 您的JS语法错误。 Also, since #submit is an ID, qualifying it with button is unnecessary. 另外,由于#submit是ID,因此不需要使用button限定它。

Your code should read: 您的代码应为:

$('#submit').click(function() {
    method: "POST",
    url: "submit.php",
    data: selectedImageArray
  }).done(function( msg ) {
    alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

Edit 1: 编辑1:

I see that you have incorporated the above code into your JS. 我看到您已经将上述代码合并到了JS中。 Now on to your problem on the server side (PHP/SQL). 现在在服务器端解决您的问题(PHP / SQL)。

Firstly, why are you decoding $_POST[selectedImageArray] then re-encoding it? 首先,为什么要解码$_POST[selectedImageArray]然后重新编码? Doesn't make sense to me. 对我来说没有意义。

Secondly, what is the value of $steamprofile['steamid'] ? 其次, $steamprofile['steamid']的值是多少?

Thirdly, what is the schema of your SQL table? 第三,您的SQL表的架构是什么? Are you sure you're not violating any unique / not null / fk constraint? 您确定您没有违反任何唯一/不为空/ fk约束吗?

Do yourself a favour, and use a debugging/logging solution on the server-side. 帮自己一个忙,并在服务器端使用调试/日志记录解决方案。 It can be as simple as printing debug lines into a log file so you can inspect later on to find out what is happening. 就像将调试行打印到日志文件中一样简单,因此您以后可以检查以了解发生了什么。

What I'd do: 我会做什么:

  • check value of $_POST[selectedImageArray] . 检查$_POST[selectedImageArray] It should be a string. 应该是一个字符串。
  • check the value for $array . 检查$array的值。 It should be an array. 它应该是一个数组。
  • read the error logs to see what else it says. 阅读错误日志,以了解其他内容。
  • $sql->execute(); returns a bool (TRUE on success). 返回bool (成功bool TRUE)。 Use it in your script to return either success or failure message. 在脚本中使用它可以返回成功或失败消息。
  • Log down the value of $sql->errorCode(); 记下$sql->errorCode();的值$sql->errorCode(); on failure. 失败。

With all the above, you should have enough to troubleshoot what went wrong there. 有了以上所有内容,您就应该有足够的能力来解决哪里出了问题。

      method: "POST",
      url: "submit.php",
      data: {selectedImageArray: selectedImageArray}, // this is supposed to be JSON
      .done(function( msg ) {
        alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );


$_POST['selectedImageArray'] // see the quotes

I suppose that steam_id is a primary key with auto increment, so if you are trying to insert a row to database with the same value for steam_id , then it is a possibility that your data cannot be added. 我想steam_id是具有自动增量功能的主键,因此,如果您尝试将具有相同steam_id值的行插入数据库,则可能无法添加数据。

To debug in a better way, try to generate the query in the server and echo it. 若要以更好的方式进行调试,请尝试在服务器中生成查询并回显它。 Then try to run the same query in your MySQL console to find the response. 然后尝试在MySQL控制台中运行相同的查询以找到响应。

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