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[英]Accessing mysql_query results

I have the following columns in a table of mine ; 我的桌子上有以下几栏;

id / owner / del / eq / type id /所有者/ del / eq /类型

IF there are 2x of the same ID and 2x of the same type in one row. 如果一行中有2x个相同ID和2x相同类型。 You cannot add a 3rd. 您无法添加第三名。 I can do this with a PHP If statement. 我可以使用PHP If语句执行此操作。 But I have tried to count using this ; 但是我试图用这个数;

$tot = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE id='$id'AND type='1'");
$tot1 = mysql_fetch_array($tot);

Here it should count the rows where the ID ( that matches the person logged in ) and how many of them are also type 1. But when I echo this I just get the word "Array" 在这里它应该计算ID(与登录的人匹配)所在的行以及其中的行数也为1。但是当我回显此行时,我只会得到“ Array”一词。

The result of mysql_fetch_array is an array that maps columns to their values in the current row, both assosciatively and by index. mysql_fetch_array的结果是一个数组,该数组将列关联并按索引映射到当前行中它们的值。 So, in this case, you can get the result of count(*) by referring to $tot1[0] . 因此,在这种情况下,您可以通过引用$tot1[0]获得count(*)的结果。


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