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使用Apache POI的SAX-Parser获取Excel的评估单元格值

[英]Get evaluated cell value of Excel with SAX-Parser of Apache POI

I read an excel-sheet with the EventUserModel of Apache POI which operates with a SAX-Parser. 我读了带有Apache POI的EventUserModel的Excel工作表,该表与SAX-Parser一起运行。

The problem is I have some normal Cells with content like "hello" and Cells with content like this: =IF(SUM(P254;R254;N254)=0;V254;VLOOKUP(Z254;Cirteria!$Y$2:$Z$4;2;TRUE)) 问题是我有一些正常的单元格,其内容类似于“ hello”,而单元格的内容如下: =IF(SUM(P254;R254;N254)=0;V254;VLOOKUP(Z254;Cirteria!$Y$2:$Z$4;2;TRUE))

I don't want these formulas but their evaluated value eg "hello". 我不需要这些公式,但需要它们的评估值,例如“ hello”。 I know it's saved in the XML but I don't know how to access it. 我知道它已保存在XML中,但我不知道如何访问它。

<Cell ss:StyleID="s168"
    <Data ss:Type="String">hello</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="s167"><Data ss:Type="String">hello</Data></Cell>

It seems as if there is a "formula" tag SAX is always returning this value instead of the Data value. 好像有一个“公式”标记,SAX总是返回此值而不是Data值。 Otherwise the normal "hello" is returned. 否则,返回正常的“ hello”。

My Code looks like this: 我的代码如下所示:

public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name,
        Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
    if (name.equals("c")) {
        String cellType = attributes.getValue("t");
        if (cellType != null && cellType.equals("s")) {
            nextIsString = true;
        } else {
            nextIsString = false;
    lastContents = "";
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
        throws SAXException {
    lastContents = new String(ch, start, length);
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name)
        throws SAXException {
    if (nextIsString) {
        int idx = Integer.parseInt(lastContents);
        lastContents = new XSSFRichTextString(sst.getEntryAt(idx))
        nextIsString = false;

I get all the data I need except the data generated by formulas. 我得到了我需要的所有数据,除了公式生成的数据。

This is an old thread, but I was trying to figure out a similar problem, and thought I would post this in hopes it will help someone in the future. 这是一个旧线程,但是我试图找出类似的问题,并认为我会发布此消息,以希望将来对某人有所帮助。 The tag structure for a formula within the cell is different than your typical cell / value structure. 单元格中公式的标记结构与典型的单元格/值结构不同。

Therefore you have to be cognizant of when your formula tag opens and closes within the cell, as well as when the value opens and closes within the cell. 因此,您必须知道公式标记何时在单元格中打开和关闭,以及值何时在单元格中打开和关闭。 The tag structures is similar to (of course without attributes and only one cell in the row for simplicity) ... 标签结构类似于(当然,没有属性,为简单起见,该行中只有一个单元格)...

`<row> <c> <f> IF(SUM(RC[-11],RC[-9],RC[-13])=0,RC[-5],VLOOKUP(RC[-1],Kriterien!R2C25:R4C26,2,TRUE))</f> <v> hello </v> </c> </row> `

Note that the characters(...) method will store the value of the formula, then the concluded value in between two distinct tags. 请注意, characters(...)方法将存储公式的值,然后将结论值存储在两个不同的标签之间。

So, when evaluating the assigned value, you have to be cognizant of the formula tag's impact on your value. 因此,在评估分配的值时,您必须认识到公式标签对您的值的影响。

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