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[英]Unwanted white space around image inside div

I need to display an image inside a div with bootstrap and there's an uncalled for white space around the image. 我需要在带有bootstrapdiv显示一个图像,并且图像周围有一个未调用的空白区域。 This is what it looks like: 这就是它的样子:


I'm not talking about the white background - it's intentional. 我不是在谈论白色背景 - 这是故意的。 I am talking about the fact the image doesn't stretch to the width of the div . 我说的是图像没有伸展到div的宽度。 This is the code I'm using: 这是我正在使用的代码:

<div align="center" class="col-xs-3 col-sm-2 col-md-3 whitebgdiv" style="border:0px solid red; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; margin-left:5px;">
    <a href='#{product.itemUrl}' target="_blank"><img src='#{product.thumbnailUrl}' style="border: 0px solid blue;" class="img-responsive productimg vertical-align2" /></a> <br/>                            

The relevant css classes: 相关的css类:

.whitebgdiv {
   border-radius: 2px;

.productimg {
   width: 6em;
   max-width: 180px;

I tried display:block and display:inline but they do nothing. 我试过display:blockdisplay:inline但它们什么都不做。 What am I missing? 我错过了什么?

Try this: 尝试这个:

  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

If the width of its container is defined, you don't need to set a max-width on the image either with this code. 如果定义了其容器的宽度,则无需使用此代码在图像上设置最大宽度。


.productimg { display:block; width: 100%; height:auto;}

Remove the width to image the white space is due to max-width to image tag. 删除宽度以使图像空白是由于max-width到图像标记。 the container(div) with is higher then the image width so your getting white space between those 容器(div)高于图像宽度,因此您可以在它们之间获得空白

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