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将条件传递给Func <bool> 一个元组 <string, string, Func<bool> &gt;

[英]Passing a condition into Func<bool> of a Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>

I am trying to create a list of tuples with properties and conditions for their validation. 我正在尝试创建一个元组列表,其中包含用于验证的属性和条件。 So I had this idea in mind: 所以我有这个想法:

List<Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>> properties = new List<Tuple<string, 
    Tuple.Create(FirstName, "User first name is required", ???),

How can I pass expression of type (FirstName == null) as Func ? 如何将类型(FirstName == null)的表达式作为Func传递?

Like this (using a lambda expression ): 像这样(使用lambda表达式 ):

var properties = new List<Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>> 
    Tuple.Create<string, string, Func<bool>>(
                 "User first name is required",
                 () => FirstName == null),

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

List<Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>> properties = new List<Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>> 
    Tuple.Create(FirstName, "User first name is required", new Func<bool>(() => FirstName == null)),

Note that there are some limitatons to type inference for lambda expressions... for this reason the new Func<bool> way of building a delegate is used. 请注意,对于lambda表达式的类型推断存在一些限制...因此,使用了new Func<bool>构建委托的方法。

Alternatives: 备择方案:

Tuple.Create(FirstName, "User first name is required", (Func<bool>)(() => FirstName == null)),
Tuple.Create<string, string, Func<bool>>(FirstName, "User first name is required", () => FirstName == null),
new Tuple<string, string, Func<bool>>(FirstName, "User first name is required", () => FirstName == null),

In the end you have to repeate the Func<bool> somewhere. 最后你必须在某处重复Func<bool>

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