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[英]How to properly use $ for jQuery inside functions

I use the following ocde so I can use the $ short hand for jQuery: 我使用以下代码,以便可以将$简写用于jQuery:

jQuery(function($){ ... }

But I also have a few functions outside it that require jQuery. 但是我外面还有一些需要jQuery的函数。 How can I still use the $ short hand within those functions? 在这些功能中,我仍如何使用$简写? It seems like $ won't work within my functions. 好像$在我的函数中不起作用。

You cannot use $ outside of that function if you have another script on the page that uses $ as their object. 您不能使用$那之外function ,如果你有一个使用页面上的其他脚本$为他们的目的。 However, you can use noConflict to create an alias of $ or jQuery . 但是,您可以使用noConflict创建$jQuery的别名。

(function($) {
    // Use $ here

// Create an alias of jQuery
var $_ = jQuery.noConflict();

// Use $_ here

Remove the jQuery on the front and put after that: 删除前面的jQuery ,然后放在后面:

})(jQuery); // Use jQuery here

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